Hair Care

Does Lemon Juice Kill Hair Follicles?

Lemon juice is one of the most VERSATILE items in our homes.

It’s used in so many household products, that when you see it as an ingredient in items intended for hair removal it certainly leaves you with a few questions. 

The main one is, does lemon juice kill hair follicles? After all, it’s such a common hair removal ingredient that you are sure to be left wondering more about its effects.

Want to know a little secret?

Lemon juice doesn’t kill hair follicles, but it has other uses you’ll find interesting. 

How Does Lemon Juice Kill Hair Follicles?

To keep this little intro to lemon juice snappy, it doesn’t really kill hair follicles. But if this is the case, why is it often seen as doing so and why is it such a prominent ingredient in hair removal products? It’s all about keeping things softer for longer. 

If you leave hair removal products without lemon in them out and exposed, what happens? They get solid, gunky, and can’t be used anymore.

The lemon juice actually helps to keep the mixture nice and soft, kind of like how lemon juice is able to stop apple slices from browning. 

Lightening Your Hair

But while this is a helpful aspect, it’s not the only reason why we use lemons. It doesn’t kill the follicles, but it does act as a natural bleach. Therefore, it lightens the hair on your body without the use of harsh chemicals. It is a process that we use in sugaring. 

So, when you read articles about how lemon juice is great for hair removal. It’s actually because the hair is being lightened and not because the hairs are being removed. This is why it is such a common ingredient, and it gives you the illusion of complete hair removal without killing follicles. 

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But are there other waxing treatments you can use that involve the use of lemon juice? Yes, there are actually some great natural solutions that we’re going to take you through. 

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Honey and Lemon

A soothing natural remedy for a sore throat, honey and lemon are great for waxing the fuzz from your body.

  1. Take a few cups of honey and mix in a couple of spoons of lemon juice.
  2. Heat and allow to simmer on the stove for about 20 minutes.
  3. Then allow cooling before use. 

It is primarily for removing facial hair because it is such a gentle mixture. It is ok to use it in other areas of the body with equally good results. 


We mentioned this process a moment ago, and it can be quite effective.

  1. Mix sugar, water, and lemon juice together to form a soft paste
  2. Place the mixture on your body and leave it to set.
  3. It will first need to simmer for around 20 minutes to help the ingredients combine, and then cool. 

Read Here: How To Apply Sugar Wax Guide

Frequently Asked Questions 

What kills hair follicles naturally?

There are several things that kill hair follicles naturally, one of the most popular being sugaring as well as using papaya. Some people also use an eggwhite hair mask, which can be quite effective at ripping out the hairs. 

Final Thoughts 

Lemon juice is one of the most versatile ingredients in the world, but if you’re looking for something to kill hair follicles you won’t find any help here.

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While it remains a great help in the world of hair removal, it should stay as a natural bleaching agent to make your hairs vanish.

If you want to learn more about hair removal and taking care of your skin, we have a great selection of guides that will keep you up to date with the latest tips and tricks for healthy skin and smooth removal. 

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