Do Steam Straighteners Damage Hair?

Finding a flat iron that doesn’t damage your hair is imperative but is it possible?

ABSOLUTELY, one of the main reasons a steam straightener was ever designed was for this very reason!

So do steam straighteners damage hair? Well, the answer is not really. If you learn how to use your steam straightener correctly when straightening your hair, then you will not cause any damage to your hair follicles in the process. 

Have a read on our guide all about steam straighteners below, learning how to use them correctly, how they work and why you should choose this flat iron over all the other options available.

Why Choose a Steam Straightener?

Well, we have all used flat irons and other hot tools to style our hair. As these flat irons use dry heat, it burns your hair follicles and causes a lot of damage to your hair. Dry heat sucks all the moisture from your hair shaft whilst styling, causing them to break and become a weak follicle.

ALTERNATELY, steam straighteners help to add warm moisture to the hair shaft. While the plates do their jobs straightening, the steam adds the water to keep your hair from drying out and then this will help prevent any more frizz happening to your hair.

It’s important to understand that the reason why most women’s hair becomes frizzy is that your hair is searching for some moisture, which is why your hair is frizzy rather than healthy, moisturized hair. (This is not a good look)

So when you are styling your hair whilst using steam straighteners, it helps to add moisture back into the shaft, which will only help your hair’s health, which is a win-win situation.

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Does Steam Straighteners Damage Hair?

So let’s go into some detail about when steam straighteners damage your hair. As we are aware all flat irons cause damage to hair one way or another.

But if you use steam straighteners the correct way, there are significant benefits to using this as an alternative to the standard flat irons.

The hot steam that comes from your steam straightener can seriously damage your hair if the steam is held on one section of your hair for too long will be the same as holding the flat iron plates to a section of your hair for too long.

It makes sense; think about holding your hair in boiling water for an extended period. It will cause your hair to become weak and split. This is the same scenario. It is ok for the hot steam to be on your hair but for short periods.

To make sure you are safely using your steam straighteners, ensure your straightener is also used at a safe temperature.

It’s essential to use a heat protectant as you would use before using any flat irons. It would be best if you still used this before using your steam straightener. Although it’s not as damaging without a protectant on your hair, it will cause your follicles to break over time.

You don’t have to worry about fried hair anymore! This MKBOO Hair Straightener with Steam comes with innovative hydration technology that will help keep your locks looking natural and healthy. With 7pcs steam holes that produce a consistent 4.5g/min of steam, your hair will be moisturized and silky in no time!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do Steam Straighteners Work on Black Hair?

Steam flat irons are one of the best choices to use on black hair. Black hair is generally frizzy and curly. One of the main reasons for hair turning into frizz instead of its beautiful controlled curls is that it lacks hydration, and flat irons do not help this problem.

Yet steam irons do the complete opposite and add in moisture whilst straightening your hair at the same time. So don’t be frightened to use your steam flat irons on black hair.

Can You Use A Steam Straightener On Wet Hair?

A common question asked is, can you use a steam straightener on wet hair? Can you use a blow dryer on damp hair and then indeed use steam on your hair, right?

Not really, as blow dryers use dry hair to dry out your hair, but steam straighteners use moisture and heat to straighten hair, so if you should use steam straighteners on your hair, it will destroy your hair follicles fast and will burn your hair. So remember to use your steam straightener with dry hair.

Read Here: Flat Iron Vs Hot Comb 


So know you know that steam straighteners are one of the best choices to choose when wanted to straighten your hair regularly but worried about the damage to your hair, then look no further. You have found your perfect hair tool.

If you have black, curly, or frizzy hair types, then steam straighteners are the top option to help calm your hair from being anymore out of control by adding moisture into your hair but also keeping it healthy.

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