4 Different Type Of Split Ends

Split ends are a common problem for people with long hair.

They can be caused by a variety of things, such as using the wrong type of shampoo, using too much heat on your hair, and brushing it too often.

Thankfully, there are various ways to avoid split ends before they have a chance to form.

The article will go over the different types of split ends, as well as some tips on how to prevent them.

What Are Split Ends?

Split ends are when the ends of your hair split into two or more strands. This can happen because of damage to the hair shaft, which is the part of the hair that contains the cuticle.

The cuticle is a layer of protection that helps keep your hair healthy and prevents it from breaking.

When the cuticle is damaged, it can cause the hair to become dry and brittle, which can lead to split ends. There are a few different ways that the cuticle can be damaged, such as:

Using the wrong type of shampoo:

Using a shampoo that is too harsh on your hair can strip away the natural oils that protect it. This can leave your hair feeling dry and brittle, which can lead to split ends.

Using too much heat on your hair:

Using hot tools, such as curling irons and hair straighteners, can damage the cuticle and make your hair more susceptible to split ends.

Brushing your hair too often:

Brushing your hair too often can damage the cuticle and make your hair more susceptible to split ends.

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How To Prevent Split Ends

Now that you know what split ends are and what causes them, it’s time to learn how to prevent them. Here are a few tips:

Use a gentle shampoo:

Choose a shampoo that is designed for your hair type and is gentle on your hair. Avoid shampoos that are harsh and contain sulfates, as these can strip away the natural oils that protect your hair.

Use heat protectant:

When using hot tools, such as curling irons and hair straighteners, always use a heat protectant. This will help to prevent damage to the cuticle and will keep your hair healthy.

Brush your hair less often:

Brushing your hair too often can damage the cuticle and lead to split ends. Instead, brush your hair a few times a week to prevent damage.

Trim your hair regularly:

Trimming your hair every six to eight weeks will help to prevent split ends from forming.

By following these tips, you can prevent split ends and keep your hair healthy and strong.

What Do Split Ends Look Like?

Split ends can vary in appearance, depending on how severe the damage is. Here are a few examples of what split ends can look like:

A small amount of the hair shaft is split:

This type of split end is not as common and is not as severe as other types. A small amount of the hair shaft has split, but the split does not go all the way up the shaft.

The hair shaft is split in half:

This type of split end is more common and is more severe. The hair shaft has split in half, and the split goes all the way up the shaft.

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The hair shaft is split into multiple pieces:

This type of split end is the most severe. The hair shaft has split into multiple pieces and the split goes all the way up the shaft.

How To Treat Split Ends

If you have split ends, there are a few things you can do to treat them. Here are a few tips:

Use a deep conditioner:

Deep conditioners can help to hydrate and repair damaged hair. Choose a deep conditioner that is designed for your hair type and use it according to the instructions on the package.

Trim your hair:

Trimming your hair will help to get rid of split ends and prevent them from coming back. Be sure to trim your hair every six to eight weeks to keep it healthy.

Use a split end treatment:

Split end treatments can help to repair damaged hair and prevent split ends from coming back. Choose a treatment that is designed for your hair type and use it according to the instructions on the package.

By following these tips, you can treat split ends and prevent them from coming back.

Types of Split Ends

There are a few different types of split ends, depending on how severe the damage is. Here are a few examples:

  • The Basic Split
  • The Candle
  • The Tree and or Feather
  • The Single Strand Knot

The Basic Split

This is the most common type of split end. It occurs when the hair shaft splits in half, and the split goes all the way up the shaft.

The Candle

This type of split end is less common and is not as severe as other types. It occurs when a small amount of the hair shaft splits, but the split does not go all the way up the shaft.

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The Tree and or Feather

This is the most severe type of split end. It occurs when the hair shaft splits into multiple pieces, and the split goes all the way up the shaft.

The Single Strand Knot

This type of split end is not as common and is not as severe as other types. It occurs when the hair shaft splits, but the split does not go all the way up the shaft.


Split ends are a common problem for people with long hair. They can be caused by a variety of things, such as using the wrong type of shampoo, using too much heat on your hair, and brushing it too often.

But don’t worry there are ways to prevent split ends from happening in the first place.

By following these tips, you can prevent split ends and keep your hair healthy and strong. If you have split ends, there are a few things you can do to treat them. Use a deep conditioner, trim your hair, and use a split end treatment.

By following these tips, you can treat split ends and prevent them from coming back.

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