Hair Growth Hair Removal Laser Hair Removal

Can Laser Hair Removal Increase Hair Growth?

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment option for people who want to get rid of unwanted hair.

But one of the MOST COMMON worries is whether laser hair removal can actually cause hair growth.

The short answer is that there is no concrete evidence that laser treatments can actually promote hair growth. However, there are a few anecdotal reports of people who have noticed an increase in hair growth after getting laser treatments.

According to a study by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, laser hair removal can actually increase hair growth. In the study, 58 percent of participants said they experienced an increase in hair growth after undergoing laser hair removal.

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently to laser treatments. So, if you’re considering laser hair removal, it’s always best to consult with a certified professional to see if the treatment is right for you.

Read our guide to learn more about the risks of laser hair removal and whether this treatment can really increase hair growth.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a treatment that uses a concentrated beam of light to remove unwanted hair. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, which destroys the follicle. This process can be repeated every few weeks until the hair is no longer growing.

Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Excessive Hair Growth?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that laser hair removal can cause excessive hair growth. In fact, laser hair removal is often used as a treatment for unwanted hair growth.

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However, there are a few anecdotal reports of people who have noticed an increase in hair growth after getting laser treatments.

According to a recent study, laser hair removal can actually stimulate hair growth in some people. The study found that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can increase the size and number of hair follicles, which leads to thicker and more lustrous hair.

So although this is not enough evidence to say that laser hair removal definitely causes increased hair growth, it is something to keep in mind if you are considering this treatment option. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of laser hair removal before making a decision.

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The Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses concentrated light to target and destroys hair follicles. The heat from the laser damages the follicle, which inhibits future hair growth. While laser hair removal is generally considered safe, there are a few risks associated with the procedure.

These risks include:

  • Skin irritation
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Scarring
  • Changes in skin color
  • Infection

Does Laser Hair Removal Stimulate Hair Growth?

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment option for people who want to get rid of unwanted hair. But can it also stimulate hair growth?

The answer is not clear. Some studies suggest that laser hair removal may indeed stimulate hair growth in some cases, while other studies are inconclusive.

It’s possible that the mixed results may be due to different types of laser hair removal devices being used in different studies. It’s also possible that individual response to laser hair removal treatment varies.

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Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Baldness?

In recent years, laser hair removal has become a popular way to achieve long-term hair removal. While the procedure is generally safe and effective, there is some concern that it may cause baldness.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Laser hair removal works by targeting the hair follicles with laser energy. This energy destroys the follicle, which prevents the hair from growing back.

The follicles are not damaged beyond repair, so the hair will eventually grow back if the treatment is stopped. A recent study found no evidence that laser hair removal causes permanent hair loss or baldness.

Additionally, the laser only targets actively growing follicles, so it does not affect the resting or dormant follicles. As a result, it is very unlikely that laser hair removal can cause baldness.

How to Avoid Unwanted Hair Growth After Laser Hair Removal

While laser hair removal is generally considered safe, there is a small risk that it may stimulate unwanted hair growth. To avoid this side effect, you should:

  • Choose a reputable clinic: Make sure you choose a reputable clinic that uses high-quality lasers.
  • Follow post-treatment instructions: Be sure to follow your doctor’s or technician’s instructions for care after treatment.
  • Avoid sun exposure: Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen if you must be in the sun.
  • Talk to your doctor about risks: Talk to your doctor about the risks and side effects of laser hair removal before you undergo treatment.


Laser hair removal is a popular treatment option for people who want to get rid of unwanted hair. In most cases, it is safe and effective. However, there is a small risk that it may stimulate hair growth in some cases.

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Hopefully, our guide has helped you to understand there is not yet enough evidence to answer this question conclusively.

As studies continue, we may have a better understanding of the potential risks and benefits of laser hair removal.

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