Hair Care

Does Hairspray Actually Kill Spiders?

It’s a question that has puzzled homeowners for years – does hairspray actually kill spiders?

There are many people who believe that it does, as the sticky liquid coats the spider’s body and traps it, eventually leading to its death.

However, some experts say that this is nothing more than an urban legend, and that hairspray does not actually kill spiders.

So, which is it? Does hairspray actually kill spiders or not?

The short answer is no – while hairspray may be able to trap or immobilize a spider, it will not kill the insect.

However, many people still believe that using hairspray can be an effective way to get rid of spiders.

If you want to use hairspray to capture a spider in your home, simply spray the substance onto its body so that it becomes coated. The spider will then be unable to move and can be easily removed from your house.

If you do decide to use hairspray to capture a spider, be sure to release it outside far away from your home.

Read our full guide about using hairspray to kill spiders, should you really be using hairspray? let’s find out.

Why Is Hairspray Dangerous to Spiders?

Hairspray is made up of a number of different chemicals and substances, including alcohols, resins, and propellants.

These substances can be toxic to spiders, as they coat the surface of their body. This prevents the spider from being able to move easily or breathe effectively.

While hairspray is not necessarily a fatal substance to spiders, it can make them very uncomfortable and even cause them to die from dehydration if they are unable to move or find water.

So, while many people believe that hairspray is an effective way to kill spiders, the reality is that it is simply not true. While hairspray may be able to trap and immobilize a spider, it will not kill it.

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However, if you are concerned about spiders in your home and want to trap them or remove them from your house, then using hairspray can be an effective method.

To use hairspray to capture a spider, simply spray the substance onto its body so that it becomes coated. The spider will then be unable to move and can be easily removed from your home.

Just be sure to release the spider outside far away from your house so that it does not come back inside.

Paralyzing Effect of Hairspray on Spiders

While hairspray may not kill spiders, it can have a paralyzing effect on them.

This is because the chemicals in hairspray can coat the spider’s surface and prevent it from moving.

The spider may also be unable to breathe properly, which can eventually lead to its death.

So, if you want to capture a spider in your home but are concerned about it becoming aggressive or harming you, then using hairspray is an excellent way to do so.

How Can I Prevent Spiders From Entering My Home?

If you want to prevent spiders from entering your home, there are a number of things that you can do.

First, make sure that all cracks and crevices in doors and windows are well-sealed so that they do not provide an entry point for spiders.

You should also regularly vacuum any dark corners or spaces inside your home, as well as anywhere that spiders may hide, such as closets or under furniture.

And of course, you should avoid leaving food or crumbs out in your home, as this can attract insects that spiders will then feed on.

By following these tips, you can effectively prevent spiders from entering your home and keep your living space spider-free.

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What Kills Spiders Fast?

There are a number of different insecticides and pesticides that can kill spiders quickly.

However, if you do not want to use these potentially toxic substances around your home, then there are a few other options available.

One effective way to kill spiders is by using essential oils such as peppermint oil or tea tree oil. Simply mix a few drops of these oils with water and spray the mixture around your home to repel spiders.

Another option is to use sticky traps or glue boards, which can be placed near areas where you have seen spiders in order to capture them.

Ultimately, there are many different ways to kill spiders quickly, so it is important to choose a method that works best for you and your home.

How to Naturally Get Rid of a Spider Infestation

If you are dealing with a spider infestation in your home, there are a number of natural methods that you can try to get rid of them.

Peppermint Oil

One option is to use essential oils such as peppermint oil or tea tree oil, which have strong insect-repelling properties. Simply mix a few drops of these oils with water and spray the mixture around your home to repel spiders.

You can also place a few drops of these oils on cotton balls and place them in areas where you have seen spiders, such as in closets or under furniture.


Another natural substance that can be used to get rid of spiders is vinegar. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and water, and then spray this mixture onto windowsills, doors, and other areas where spiders may enter your home.

This will not only repel spiders but also kill any insects on contact.

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Finally, a common household product that can be used to eliminate spiders is borax. Simply mix equal parts borax and sugar, and then place this mixture in areas where you have seen spiders.

The sugar will attract the spiders, while the borax will kill them.


Yes, that’s right conkors from your conker tree in the garden, place them around your house in the corners and the spiders will be gone in now time.

So, there you have it! These are just a few of the many methods that you can use to get rid of spiders in your home.

Remember, it is important to choose a method that works best for you and your home, so feel free to experiment until you find something that works.

And of course, be sure to take steps to prevent spiders from entering your home in the first place by sealing cracks and crevices, vacuuming regularly, and avoiding leaving food or crumbs out.

With these tips, you can easily get rid of those pesky spiders once and for all!


So, does hairspray actually kill spiders? While it is certainly effective at repelling them, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that it can kill them.

So, if you are looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of spiders, then hairspray may not be the best option. However, there are a number of other methods that you can try, such as using essential oils or borax, which will effectively kill them.

Ultimately, it is important to choose a method that works best for you and your home. With a little bit of effort, you can easily get rid of those pesky spiders once and for all!

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