Hair Care

How Often Should You Retwist Starter Dreads?

The retwisting of starter dreads is an important part of the maintenance process for people with long, natural hair.

Retwisting dreadlocks helps to shape and style the locks as well as keep them from tangling up too much.

Dreadlocks that are retwisted every two weeks or so will stay fresh and help you achieve your desired look. The frequency of retwisting will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight your twists are, and how often you wash your hair.

If you have very tight twists, you may need to retwist more often than if your twists are looser. Also, if you wash your hair more frequently, you will likely need to retwist sooner than if you wash less often.

Ultimately, it is best to consult with a professional stylist to determine how often you should retwist your starter dreads.

When Should You Retwist Starter Locs?

The retwisting of starter locs is an important part of the maintenance process for people with long, natural hair. Retwisting locs helps to shape and style the locks as well as keep them from tangling up too much.

Locs that are retwisted every two weeks or so will stay fresh and help you achieve your desired look. The frequency of retwisting will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight your twists are, and how often you wash your hair.

If you have very tight twists, you may need to retwist more often than if your twists are looser. Also, if you wash your hair more frequently, you will likely need to retwist sooner than if you wash less often.

How Long Can You Go Without Retwisting Locs?

It is generally recommended that you retwist your starter dreadlocks every two weeks or so in order to keep them fresh and looking their best.

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However, the frequency with which you will need to retwist your dreads will depend on a number of factors, including the type of hair you have, how tight the twists are, and how often you wash your hair.

If you have very tight twists, you may need to retwist more often than if your twists are looser. Also, if you wash your hair more frequently, you will likely need to retwist sooner than if you wash less often.

How Often Should You Retwist Baby Locs

In general, it is best to retwist baby locs every two weeks or so. This will help keep them fresh and looking their best.

The frequency of retwisting will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight the twists are, and how often you wash your hair. If you have very tight twists, you may need to retwist more often than if your twists are looser.

Also, if you wash your hair more frequently, you will likely need to retwist sooner than if you wash less often.

How Often Should You Retwist Mature Locs

Mature dreadlocks should be retwisted every four to six weeks. This will help keep them looking their best and prevent them from tangling up too much.

The frequency of retwisting will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight the twists are, and how often you wash your hair. If you have very tight twists, you may need to retwist more often than if your twists are looser.

How Do You Retwist Starter Locs

There are a number of ways to retwist starter locs. One popular method is to use a retwisting brush. This is a small, handheld brush that has bristles on one end and a loop on the other. The loop is used to hold the dreadlock while the bristles are used to retwist it.

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Another popular method is to use crochet hooks. This involves using a crochet hook to grab a section of deadlock, then twisting it around the hook before pulling it through the lock.

Both of these methods can be done easily at home with a little bit of practice.

Required Ingredients:

– retwisting brush or crochet hooks

– small, handheld mirror

– water (optional)

Step-by-step process:

1. Start with clean, dry hair. If your hair is dirty or oily, it will be more difficult to retwist the dreadlocks. You may also want to dampen your hair with a spray bottle if it is particularly dry.

2. Use the retwisting brush or crochet hooks to grab a section of dreadlock.

3. Twist the dreadlock around the brush or hook, then pull it through the lock.

4. Repeat step 3 until the dreadlock is retwisted to your desired tightness.

5. If desired, spritz the retwisted dreadlock with water to help keep it hydrated.

6. Use a small, handheld mirror to check your work. Make sure that all of the dreadlocks are retwisted evenly and that there are no loose strands hanging off of them.

7. Repeat steps 2-6 until all of the starter dreadlocks have been retwisted.

8. Let the retwisted dreadlocks dry completely before styling them. You may want to use a hairdryer in a cool setting to help speed up the process.

Styling Tips:

– To create a tighter, more compact look, retwist the dreadlocks in the opposite direction from which they were originally twisted.

– If you have long dreadlocks, you may want to braid them before retwisting them. This will help keep them from unravelling during the retwisting process.

– Use your fingers or a small comb to style the retwisted dreadlocks into the desired shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Starter Locs Supposed To Itch?

It is normal for starter dreadlocks to itch during the retwisting process. This is because the hair is being pulled and twisted tight. The itching will usually go away once the dreadlocks have dried completely.

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Can I Retwist Wet Dreadlocks?

You can retwist wet dreadlocks, but it will be more difficult to get them to stay twisted. It is recommended that you retwist them when they are dry.

Is retwisting bad for my hair?

No, retwisting is not bad for your hair. In fact, it can actually be quite beneficial, as it helps keep the dreadlocks healthy and free from tangles.

What Happens If I Never Retwist My Dreads?

If you never retwist your dreads, they will eventually start to tangle and become matted. This can be difficult to untangle and may require the help of a professional.

Can I Retwist My Dreads Every 2 Weeks?

The frequency of retwisting will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight the twists are, and how often you wash your hair.

In general, it is best to retwist every two weeks or so. This will keep the dreadlocks looking their best and prevent them from tangling up too much.


If you’re looking for a fresh, new style and don’t want to hassle with dreadlocks that are constantly getting tangled up, try retwisting your locks every two weeks or so.

This will help keep them looking neat and tidy while also shaping them the way you want.

Keep in mind that how often you need to retwist will depend on the type of hair you have, how tight your twists are, and how often you wash your hair.

So experiment a little to see what works best for you. Have you tried retwisting your dreads lately? Let us know how it goes!

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