Asian Hair Hair Care

Why Do Asians Have Less Body Hair?

There is a myth that Asians have less body hair than Westerners.

Is it true? I know we all want the answer because we all want to know the SECRET to less body hair, right?

So why do Asians have less body hair?

Asians are more likely to have less body hair, the reason is due to a genetic mutation and the climate.

Asians who live in colder climates tend to have more body hair than Asians who live in warmer climates, but overall Asians have less body hair than Westerners.

Read our guide to learn more about the reasons why Asians have less body hair and what you can do to grow more hair if you’re Asian.

1. Environmental and Climate Factors

In order to understand why Asians have less body hair, we first need to understand the role that body hair plays in the body.

Body hair, or hair on the human body, is there for a purpose. It helps to insulate the body and keep it warm. The thicker the hair, the better it is at insulating the body. That is why animals that live in cold climates have thick coats of fur.

People who live in colder climates tend to have more body hair than people who live in warmer climates. This is because people who live in colder climates need to be able to keep their bodies warm, and body hair helps to do that.

Asians are from countries that are generally warmer than countries in Europe or North America, so it is not as important for them to have thick body hair in order to stay warm.

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2. Genetic Mutations

There is a genetic mutation that causes Asians to have less body hair than other people.

This mutation is called the EDAR gene. The EDAR gene is responsible for the development of hair follicles.

People who have this mutation tend to have fewer, but thicker, hair follicles. This means that they have less body hair overall, but the hair that they do have is thicker.

This mutation is more common in Asians than it is in other populations. It is thought to be one of the reasons why Asians have less body hair.

3. Hormones

Hormones also play a role in the amount of body hair that a person has.

Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for the development of body hair. The higher the level of testosterone, the more likely a person is to have thick body hair.

Oestrogen, on the other hand, inhibits the growth of body hair.

So, if a person has high levels of oestrogen and low levels of testosterone, they are likely to have less body hair. This is because oestrogen inhibits the growth of hair follicles, while testosterone promotes the growth of hair follicles.

Asians tend to have higher levels of oestrogen than Westerners, so this may be another reason why they have less body hair.

4. Culture and Beliefs

Culture and beliefs also play a role in the amount of body hair that a person has.

Some cultures see body hair as being dirty or unsanitary, and as a result, people in those cultures are more likely to shave or remove their body hair.

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Other cultures see body hair as being attractive or manly, and as a result, people in those cultures are more likely to let their body hair grow.

Asians generally have a culture that sees body hair as being unattractive, so this may be another reason why Asians have less body hair. There are also some cultural and social factors that contribute to the fact that Asians have less body hair.

Many Asians grow up believing that having less body hair is more attractive than having more body hair. This is because in many Asian cultures, it is considered to be a sign of beauty and good hygiene to have less body hair.

As a result, many Asians choose to shave or remove their body hair using other methods, such as waxing or plucking. This further contributes to the fact that Asians have less body hair.

5. Diet

Diet also plays a role in the amount of body hair that a person has.

Certain nutrients are necessary for the growth of hair follicles. If a person is not getting enough of those nutrients, they are likely to have less body hair.

One of the most important nutrients for hair growth is biotin. Biotin is found in eggs, nuts, and legumes. It is also found in some supplements.

So, if you’re looking to grow more body hair, make sure you’re getting enough biotin in your diet.

Asians tend to have a diet that is lacking in biotin, so this may be another reason why Asians have less body hair.


So it turns out that the myth that Asians have less body hair is actually true! Well, sort of. It’s not because we all shave or wax religiously (although some of us do), but rather because we are genetically predisposed to having less body hair. 

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And this isn’t just a theory – there’s a science to back it up! A study published in the journal PLOS Genetics found that an East Asian-specific genetic mutation is linked to reduced body hair. 

This means that if you are of Asian descent, you are more likely to have less body hair than someone who is Caucasian. Crazy, right?

While there are many reasons why Asians may have less body hair than Westerners, the most likely explanation is a combination of genetic mutations, hormone levels, and cultural beliefs. Whatever the reason, it is clear that Asians do have less body hair than people from other parts of the world.

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