How To Dye A Very Short Beard

Dying your beard as a man may be one of your top grooming skills along with trimming and shaping your beard, but knowing how to dye a shorter beard can be tricky without staining your skin underneath. 

When you dye stubble or a very short beard, it’s essential to learn how to minimize the hair dye’s staining on your hands and face. 

So let us teach you everything we know about dying your beard yourself, even if it’s a very short stubble or beard you can make a professional job of it, yourself. 

How To Minimize Staining From Your Beard Dye

Firstly, how do you minimize staining? Simply start by using a brush to apply the beard dye to dye the necessary beard parts. This can easily be removed once you have rinsed the dye from your beard. 

This could be one of the simplest forms of preventing stained skin from your hands, make sure you use latex gloves before opening any dye products this way you only need to focus on your face area. 

Use any vaseline type product to form a barrier on the outside of the shape of your beard, this way the dye won’t be able to leak outside of the area you have created. 

Before we go through the steps to follow to dying your beard correctly, it’s essential to understand that some mild staining of the skin will happen. Following these steps should help you prevent severe staining from your beard dye. 

How To Dye Stubble In 6 Easy Steps

You will need 

Step By Step Instructions 

Step 1 – Patch Test 

You must understand how vital a patch test is, even if you have used dye before and feel you dont need to do a patch test again. Not all dye contains the same ingredients, and this could cause you an allergy very easily. 

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There may be some beard dyes your skin reacts badly to, and this could cause redness, irritation, and rashes. (let’s say we dont want to end up looking like a tomato, and right on your face for all to see).

It’s easy to perform a patch test, just dab a small amount of the dye behind your ear and leave for up to 24 hours. This way, you are still using a sensitive part of your skin, but no one will notice if it does become inflamed.  

Check our top choice of beard dye from the brand Just Men – designed just for beards meaning it contains more sensitive ingredients to make sure it doesn’t cause any irritation on your face.

Step 2 – Trim Your Beard

Before even thinking about mixing your dye, you should trim your beard so it’s the correct shape you are aiming for, for your face. 

There is no point in dying stubble or beard hair that you are going to shave off anyway. You would also risk dying skin that you didn’t need to dye in the first place. 

Step 3 – Cleanse Your Face

Cleansing your face is essential before you dye your beard. Leaving natural oils on your face will prevent the hair dye from taking to your hair correctly, so removing these oils with an exfoliating face scrub or micellar water will work correctly.

Step 4 – Prep Your Face

We have all heard of the term. Prevention is better than cure. This is essential to avoid dye staining to your face. 

Start by applying vaseline to your face around the areas you do not want the dye to stain. Create a neat outline where you have removed your beard hair. 

See also  Does Beard Oil Regrow Hair?

Get your latex gloves on to mix your hair dye up ready for your beard and lay down some old towel if there are any drips or spillages. Also, wear an old tee to dont mind getting any dye on your clothes as this most likely won’t come out. 

Depending on whether you choose to use semi-permanent or permanent hair dye, you need to mix the two solutions to form the dye, its really not as hard as it seems, I promise. 

You will most likely get two tubes of products: the base color and the next the color developer. The base colour is the actual color you have chosen, and the developer simply helps to turn the mixture into a thick paste so it can be easily applied. 

Step 5 – Apply Your Dye

Start by dipping your application brush into your mixed dye, and then spread over your stubble slowly making sure you apply lightly and evenly across the whole of your beard. Be sure to apply as lightly as you can to dye your hair rather than staining your skin. 

Whilst dying your beard, make sure you have alcohol-based wipes ready to remove any spillages or smears that have gone out the lines you intended for your beard shape. 

Leave the dye to work for the amount of time stated in the instructions. Each brand is a little different depending on the ingredients, including within the dye. Usually, the time to leave a hair dye on is about 15-20 minutes, but sure to make sure you check the instructions first. 

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Read Here: How to remove beard dye from skin

Step 6 – Rinse Your Beard

Your final step is to rinse off any product from your beard with warm water. Keep running your beard under water until it runs clear. 

Then use a shampoo made for coloured hair as this will make sure it doesnt remove your newly coloured hair on your beard. And voila you’re finished!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use hair dye on my beard?

You can use hair dye on your beard, but it’s not necessarily the best option you can choose. The skin on your face can be much more sensitive than the skin on your scalp, so you can’t guarantee that it’ll react to hair dye in the same way as the beard dye.

How often should I dye my beard?

It’s said that you should dye your beard as often as your beard is needed as your hair grows at different speeds, but beard dye will last around 2-3 weeks, so will need to be repeated at least once a month.

Does beard dye stain skin? 

Absolutely, beard dye will stain the skin if you dont dye your beard correctly following all the extra precautions to make sure you dont stain your skin. Take a look at our guide on how to stop beard dye staining your skin. 

Read Here: How to dye chest hair without staining the skin


Hopefully, with the exact step by step instructions above you have a good understanding of how to dye your stubble or very short beard. 

Have we answered your question? If you still feel like you need to ask questions, then please feel free to contact us, we love to hear from our readers. 

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