Hair Care Hair Removal Skin Care

How To Treat A Chemical Burn From Hair Removal Cream

Chemical burns from hair removal cream can be a painful and uncomfortable experience (yes, an ACTUAL burn). To avoid this, it is important to take certain precautions when using hair removal creams, such as Nair hair cream.

If you do suffer from a chemical burn due to hair removal cream, there are a variety of treatment options that can help promote healing and soothe the burn. These include applying cold compresses, ice packs, and over-the-counter pain medications as needed.

In this guide, I will discuss the steps you can take to effectively treat a chemical burn from hair removal cream, including how to care for the affected area and prevent further damage.

Whether you are using Nair hair cream or another product, following these tips will help you heal quickly and minimize any discomfort you may experience.

What You Will Need To Treat Your Burn

Before you read my tips for treating a chemical burn from hair removal cream, it is IMPORTANT to have the following supplies on hand:

How To Treat Nair Cream Burns Step By Step Guide

Every now and then, getting the perfect hair-free look comes at a price – those dreaded Nair cream burns. These PAINFUL burn marks can be red, and tender, and leave behind a nasty rash. However, there are ways to treat and soothe the damage that Nair cream burning leaves behind.

Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to effectively treat a Nair cream burn:

1. Rinse The Affected Area With Cool Water

Begin by rinsing the burnt area with COOL water to remove any remaining hair removal cream residue and soothe the skin. It’s essential you rinse under water for at least 5 minutes. This will help MINIMIZE the risk of infection, soothe the skin, and prevent further damage.

2. Cleanse The Area With An Alkaline Cleanser

This will help remove excess residue and SOOTHE the skin. You can use a basic baking soda/water paste, or alkaline cleanser. However, be sure to avoid using too much pressure as this can further irritate the skin.

Pro Tip: If the burn is particularly severe, try using an abrasion pad like Cuticura Medicated Pumice with Alkaline Cleanser. This will help slough off dead skin cells and promote healthy, new skin growth.

3. Apply A Cold Compress Or Ice Pack

Once you have rinsed the affected area with cool water, apply a cold COMPRESS or ice pack to help reduce inflammation and minimize any pain you may be feeling. You can use either a cold compress or an ice pack, whichever you have on hand.

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4. Take Over-The-Counter Pain Medications And Add Moisture

If necessary, take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help RELIEVE any discomfort.

For best results, apply vaseline or petroleum jelly to the burn on a regular basis. You may even apply this burn gel dressing. (These are available at most pharmacies)

Pro Tip: Be sure to take these medications regularly to help reduce inflammation and ease any pain or itching you may experience.

5. Apply Antibacterial Ointment Or Cream

Next, apply an ANTIBACTERIAL ointment or cream to the affected area to promote healing and prevent infection. If you don’t have any antibacterial ointments on hand, a simple first aid cream or aloe vera gel will also do the trick.

To reduce it, chemical burns cause inflammation; you can apply a topical steroid cream such as hydrocortisone cream (depilatory cream).

Pro Tip: Be sure to have clean hands or apply the ointment or cream with a clean cotton swab to avoid spreading any infection.

6. Cover The Affected Area With A Bandage

Finally, cover the affected area with a bandage to help PROTECT it and prevent contact with outside irritants. You may also want to avoid exposing your burn to direct sunlight for a few days, as this can slow the HEALING process and make your skin more sensitive.

Spray the burn with Neosporin and wrap it in a bandage after it has been cleaned and cared for.

This burns first-aid will help to Immediately treat all types of burns – from sunburn, scalding, chemical, electrical, friction, and radiation burns.

7. Keep An Eye On The Burn

Once you have completed all these steps be sure to keep an eye on the area. If the burn does not begin to HEAL within a few days, or if the symptoms persist or worsen, be sure to see a doctor for further treatment.

While treating a Nair cream burn may seem PAINFUL and inconvenient, following these steps should help you recover quickly and minimize any discomfort you may experience. And remember – prevention is always best.

Natural Remedies To Treat A Chemical Burn From Hair Removal Cream

If you do suffer from a chemical burn from hair removal cream, there are also many NATURAL remedies that can help ease the pain and promote healing. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular natural remedies for chemical burns from Nair and other hair removal products:

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Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural SOOTHING agent that is often used to treat minor burns and skin irritations. To use aloe vera, simply cut open an aloe leaf and rub the clear gel directly onto the affected area. For best results, leave the aloe vera on your skin for at least 30 minutes or until it dries.

Aloe vera reduces the risk of infection, inflammation, and wound healing.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural remedy that can help soothe a chemical burn from hair removal cream.

To use apple cider vinegar, simply mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water, then wash the affected area with this mixture using a clean cotton ball. You can also apply a cloth soaked in the mixture to the affected area for 10-15 minutes.


Honey is another GREAT natural treatment for chemical burns from hair removal cream. When applied directly to the skin, honey can help soothe DAMAGED skin and prevent infection.

To use honey for a chemical burn, simply apply a thin layer of raw honey directly to the affected area, then cover it with a clean bandage or gauze pad.

Leave in place for an hour or two, then wash off gently with cool water and pat dry. You can repeat this treatment several times a day until your burn has HEALED.


Turmeric is a great natural remedy for CALMING and healing chemical burns from hair removal cream.

To use turmeric, simply mix together equal parts of turmeric powder, water, and aloe vera gel to form a thick paste. Apply this paste directly to the affected area, then cover it with a clean cloth or bandage.

Leave in place for at least one hour, then wash off gently with cool water and pat dry. You can repeat this treatment up to three times per day as needed.

Overall, there are many natural remedies that you can use to soothe and heal a chemical burn from hair removal cream.

Whether you choose to use aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey, or turmeric, following the right treatment protocol will help you recover quickly and minimize any discomfort or irritation that you may experience. With these simple tips in mind, you can treat your Nair burn like a pro.

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When Should You See a Doctor?

Most of the time you will NOT need to seek medical help, although there are some symptoms you should keep an eye out for. If your burn does not begin to heal within a few days, or if you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to see a doctor for further treatment:

  • Increased pain and inflammation
  • Redness, swelling, blistering, or pus in the affected area
  • Fever or chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Use Sudocrem For A Nair Burn?

There is some debate over whether Sudocrem can be used to treat a Nair burn. While some people claim that it can help soothe and heal burned skin, others believe that using Sudocrem may actually slow the healing process or spread bacteria to the affected area.

Ultimately, if you do choose to use Sudocrem for a Nair burn, it is important to do so only as directed by your doctor or another medical professional.

How Long Does It Take To Heal From A Nair Burn?

The duration of a Nair burn can vary depending on the severity of the burn and your specific healing response. In most cases, it will take at least a few days for the burned skin to heal completely.

Can You Get Rid Of A Chemical Burn Overnight?

There is no guaranteed way to get rid of a chemical burn overnight. However, there are certain home remedies that you can try in order to soothe the burn and speed up the healing process, including aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey, and turmeric.


Hopefully, this guide has helped you UNDERSTAND how to treat a chemical burn from hair removal cream.

Whether you choose to use aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey, or turmeric, following the right treatment protocol will help you recover quickly and minimize any discomfort or irritation that you may experience. With these simple tips in mind, you can treat your Nair burn like a pro.

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