Hair Care

Is It Safe to Have a Haircut While Pregnant?

There are so many DOs and DONT when you are pregnant, right? You want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to keep you and your baby safe.

So, when it comes to getting a haircut when pregnant, is it safe?

The good news is that there is no evidence that getting a haircut while pregnant poses any risk to you or your baby. So, if you’re wanting or needing a trim, go ahead and schedule that appointment!

Just be sure to consider the risks of being a salon surrounding so read our guide to the safety of getting a cut while pregnant.

It’s Safe to Have a Haircut While Pregnant: Fact or Myth?

It’s a myth that getting a haircut while pregnant will hurt you or your baby. So, if you’re planning on getting a haircut, go ahead and make an appointment! but first, read the things we think you should consider.

First, you may be more sensitive to chemicals and smells than usual. So, if you have any concerns, be sure to let your stylist know. They can take steps to make sure that you are comfortable, such as using fragrance-free products.

Second, you may want to avoid lying flat on your back for too long. This position can cause you to feel dizzy and lightheaded, especially in the first trimester. So, if your stylist needs to wash your hair, be sure to let them know that you’d prefer to sit up.

Overall, there is no need to avoid the salon altogether just because you’re pregnant. But, it is important to take a few extra precautionary measures to ensure your comfort and safety.

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Talk to your stylist before your appointment so they can make any necessary accommodations. Then, just sit back, relax, and enjoy your new haircut!

Safety Precautions For Having Your Hair Cut Pregnant

There is no evidence that cutting your hair while pregnant will harm you or your baby. In fact, there are a number of factors to consider when getting a haircut while pregnant that can help ensure your safety and comfort.

Some tips for ensuring the safety of getting a haircut while pregnant include:

-Hormonal changes during pregnancy may make you more sensitive to the products and chemicals used in salons, so be sure to let your stylist know if you have any concerns or allergies.

-stay away from hair dyes and just stick to a haircut during pregnancy

-Make sure the salon you choose has good ventilation to help reduce any exposure to fumes and other chemicals that may be harmful to you or your baby.

-Try to avoid lying flat on your back while getting a haircut, as this position can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. Instead, try sitting up in a chair to avoid any discomfort.

-Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment to avoid any uncomfortable tightness around your growing belly.

-Bring a snack and drink with you to the salon in case you feel lightheaded or dizzy during your appointment.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that getting a haircut while pregnant is a safe, enjoyable experience. So, go ahead and book your next salon appointment!

Is It Bad Luck To Get Your Haircut Whilst Pregnant?

A pregnant woman’s hair should not be cut. This belief is founded only on superstition and is widely held by religious people. Many women who avoid haircuts do so as a result of this misconception.

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It’s safe to assume that one of the most well-known misconceptions about getting a haircut while pregnant is correct.


There is no evidence that cutting your hair while pregnant will have any negative effects on you or your baby. In fact, there are a number of precautions that you can take to ensure your safety and comfort during the process.

So, if you’re in need of a haircut and are currently pregnant, go ahead and schedule an appointment without any worry! Just be sure to let your stylist know about any concerns that you may have.

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