Hair Care

Is It Good To Wash Your Hair Upside Down

Just as there are many ways to style your hair, there are also many ways to wash it. Depending on your hair type, length, products used, and even the kind of showerhead in your bathroom, the way you wash your hair can vary greatly.

So, do you wash your hair upside down?

Many people believe that washing their hair upside down is a great way to distribute natural oils and remove product build-up at the scalp.

However, there are some pros and cons to consider before deciding if this is the best method for you.

The article below will help you decide whether or not washing your hair upside down is the right decision for you.

Washing Hair Upside Down: Pros and Cons

There are many reasons why people might choose to wash their hair upside down. Some believe that it is a great way to distribute natural oils and remove product build-up at the scalp.

Others find it more comfortable or easier to do in this position. And still, others may have been taught to do it this way as children.

Many individuals with curly hair claim that washing their hair upside down gives it more volume and improves the definition of their curl pattern.

You don’t want the shampoo or oil from your hair to run down your back and cause your skin to break out. There are others who claim that washing their scalp upside-down provides adequate cleaning and that it is more comfortable for them.

On the other hand, some say that washing their hair upside down can actually lead to more tangles.

If you have longer hair, it might be difficult to keep it from falling into your face while you are trying to shampoo and rinse it properly. You might also find that water and soap get into your eyes more easily when you are in this position.

If you wear contact lenses, washing your hair upside down can cause them to become dislodged and even lost in the process.

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Wearing glasses while shampooing in this position can also be difficult and even dangerous if they were to slip off and fall into the sink or tub.

No matter what your reasons are for wanting to try this method, it is important to be aware of the pros and cons before you make the switch.


-Distributes natural oils more evenly along the length of your hair

-Can help remove product build-up at the scalp

-May be more comfortable for some people


May lead to more tangles

-Can be difficult to rinse all the soap out of your hair

-May cause some people to feel dizzy or lightheaded

So, there you have it! The pros and cons of washing your hair upside down. Be sure to weigh all the factors before making a decision about whether or not this method is right for you.

How to Wash Your Hair the Right Way

Now that you know the pros and cons of washing your hair upside down, let’s discuss the correct way to do it.

If you have decided that this method is right for you, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to ensure that you are doing it correctly.

The first stage is to always brush your hair before wetting it and remove any knots. He also warned against combing damp locks since this would damage your hair.

The second stage is to apply oil to your hair’s tips while they’re still wet and leave it for 15 minutes. He even instructs you to sleep with it on. Then, after washing your hair, utilize the right shampoo.

Determining the Correct Shampoo for Your Hair Type

One of the most important steps in any hair-washing routine is choosing the right shampoo.

If you have oily hair, you will want to find a clarifying or volumizing shampoo. For dry hair, look for a moisturizing or hydrating shampoo.

Check out our choice of Unwash Anti Residue Hair Cleanser: Gentle pH Balanced Clarifying Shampoo; this will keep your hair hydrated, which in turn keeps your hair healthy.

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If you have color-treated hair, you will need to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for this type of hair.

Our recommended shampoo is called Nexxus Color Assure Shampoo and Conditioner for Color Treated Hair. It is made just for colored hair and therefore will keep your dye on your hair for much longer than using a shampoo which many chemicals that will strip your color.

And if you have dandruff, you will want to find a shampoo that contains an anti-dandruff agent. Once you have found the right shampoo for your hair type, it is time to focus on washing it correctly.

What Kind of Water Should You Use?

One of the most common questions people have about washing their hair is what temperature of the water they should use.

The answer to this question depends on your hair type.

If you have oily hair, you will want to use hot water in order to remove all the built-up oils from your scalp.

If you have dry hair, you will want to use warm water in order to avoid stripping away the natural oils from your hair.

And if you have color-treated hair, you will want to use cold water in order to prevent the color from fading.

Now that you know what temperature of water to use, it is time to focus on washing your hair upside down.

From Roots to Tips, Lather Away!

When you are shampooing your hair, it is important to start at the roots and work your way down to the tips.

This will help ensure that all of the dirt and oils are removed from your scalp. Once you have lathered up your hair, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with warm water.

If you have any soap residue left in your hair, it will cause your hair to feel dry and brittle.

Washing Your Hair Upside Down

The first step is to wet your hair thoroughly. Be sure to use lukewarm water, as hot water can strip the natural oils from your scalp and cause damage.

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Next, apply a small amount of shampoo to your scalp and massage it using your fingers. You should avoid scrubbing harshly, as this can also strip the natural oils from your scalp.

Once you have massaged the shampoo into your scalp, tilt your head back and rinse thoroughly. You might need to rinse a few times to make sure all the soap is out of your hair.

Finally, apply conditioner to the ends of your hair and rinse after a few minutes. You can then style your hair as usual.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can washing your hair upside down cause hair loss?

No, washing your hair upside down will not cause hair loss. In fact, this method can actually help to distribute the natural oils along your scalp and prevent product build-up.

Can washing your hair upside down damage your hair?

No, washing your hair upside down will not damage your hair. However, you should be careful not to scrub your scalp too harshly, as this can strip the natural oils from your scalp.

Should you wash curly hair upside down?

Yes, you can wash curly hair upside down. In fact, this method can actually help to prevent product build-up. Just be sure to use a gentle shampoo and avoid scrubbing your scalp too harshly.


Washing your hair upside down can provide a number of benefits, including distributing natural oils more evenly and helping to remove product build-up.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider before making the switch. Be sure to weigh all the pros and cons before deciding if this method is right for you.

If you do decide to wash your hair upside down, be sure to follow the correct steps in order to avoid any problems.

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