Hair Day 101 Hair Style Guide Sat, 30 Mar 2024 09:56:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hair Day 101 32 32 Hair Removal for Sensitive Skin- Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Experience Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:47:18 +0000 Having sensitive skin can make hair removal frustrating and painful. Redness, irritation, ingrown hairs, and razor burn are common issues. However, with the right approach, you can remove hair from sensitive skin smoothly and comfortably. In this article we talk about how hair removal for sensitive skin can be a smooth experience with our tips ...

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Having sensitive skin can make hair removal frustrating and painful. Redness, irritation, ingrown hairs, and razor burn are common issues. However, with the right approach, you can remove hair from sensitive skin smoothly and comfortably. In this article we talk about how hair removal for sensitive skin can be a smooth experience with our tips and tricks.

Understand Your Skin Type

The first step is understanding your specific skin sensitivity. Sensitive skin is prone to redness, stinging and irritation. However, the causes can vary between individuals. Common triggers include:

  • Harsh ingredients like fragrances, dyes, alcohols
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Friction and pressure
  • Hair removal methods that are too abrasive

Pinpoint what aggravates your skin. Then you can avoid those specific triggers when hair removing. Keeping a skin diary can help identify your personal sensitivity causes.

Prepare Your Skin Properly

Skin preparation is key for sensitive areas. Exfoliate gently 24-48 hours before hair removal to prevent ingrown hairs. Use a soft washcloth, a gentle scrub with round beads or a chemical exfoliant like lactic acid. Avoid harsh grainy scrubs.

Then cleanse the area just before hair removal to clear away oils and skin cells. Using a soothing, fragrance-free cleanser is best.

After cleansing, apply a moisturizer or shaving cream/gel formulated for sensitive skin. The extra lubrication helps razors glide smoothly without tugging or irritation. Look for soothing natural ingredients like aloe, willowherb and plant oils.

Choose the Right Hair Removal Method

With sensitive skin, the hair removal method matters greatly. Here are the best options ranked from gentlest to most abrasive:

  1. Depilatories – Depilatory creams dissolve hair at the surface without damaging follicles. The process is painless. However, the chemicals can trigger skin irritation. Test a small area first and rinse off quickly if stinging occurs.
  2. Epilators – Epilators pull out hairs by the roots. It’s faster than tweezing but can sting on sensitive skin. Use the device on the lowest setting first to see how your skin reacts.
  3. Waxing – Waxing kits are available for home use but proceed cautiously. The hot wax adheres to hair strands, removing the whole follicle. However, the strips may tear sensitive skin. Exfoliate properly and opt for hard wax which shrink wraps hair for gentler removal.
  4. Tweezing – Tweezing hairs individually allows control over which hairs are removed. It’s gentle enough for most sensitive skin. Just grasp hairs properly to avoid pinching skin.
  5. Depilatory Devices – IPL and laser hair removal provide permanent hair reduction. The devices utilize light energy to damage the follicles. Sessions are pricey but results are long-lasting. Ask for a patch test first to determine if your skin can handle the heat.
  6. Shaving – Razors cut hair at the surface rather than yanking it out fully. With good prep and technique, shaving can work for sensitive skin. More details are provided next.

How to Shave Sensitive Skin Smoothly

Shaving is a practical option for sensitive skin since it doesn’t penetrate deeply. However, the wrong razor and method can still lead to bumps, burns and ingrown hairs. Follow these tips for a close, irritation-free shave:

  1. Use a fresh, sharp razor every time to minimize tugging and passes over the skin. Change disposable razors after 2-5 full-body shaves.
  2. Opt for a single blade safety razor or a disposable razor with built-in skin guards. Multi-blade razors cut too close, removing protective oils.
  3. Always shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it. Go over areas once with light pressure. Repeated passes cause irritation.
  4. Rinse razors frequently under warm water while shaving. This prevents buildup of shaving cream, hair and dead skin between the blades.
  5. Apply a soothing moisturizer post-shave to calm and replenish moisture. Ingrown hair serums with glycolic acid can also help keep follicles clear.
  6. Avoid heavily fragranced shaving gels or foams as the perfumes can be harsh. Seek out “for sensitive skin” options.

Exfoliate daily post-shave using a gentle scrub or damp washcloth. This lifts trapped hairs about to become ingrown. Be extra diligent on thicker hair areas like bikinis, underarms and legs.

What About Hair Removal Creams?

Depilatory creams that chemically dissolve hair can be an option for sensitive areas. They work by breaking down the proteins in hair strands. However, the active ingredient calcium thioglycolate can also irritate skin for some. Test a small patch first. If stinging or redness occurs, rinse immediately and avoid that product. If your skin handles it well, lather the cream on in a thick layer, wait the recommended time and then scrape off hair with the included plastic applicator. Just beware that some odor and tingling is normal but harsh burning means rinse off right away. Exfoliate gently for a few days after to prevent ingrown hairs.

Are Electrolysis or Laser Hair Removal Options?

For permanent hair removal on small areas, electrolysis and laser treatments are top choices, though costly. Each zap hair follicles with heat energy to prevent regrowth. For sensitive skin, these methods require some caution:

  • Ask providers to do a patch test first to see how your skin tolerates the heat and needles (electrolysis only).
  • Treatment levels often must be adjusted lower and sessions spread out for sensitive skin. This means more visits to achieve full results.
  • Topical anesthetics are applied to treatment sites ahead of time. Even then, some discomfort occurs so pain tolerance must be considered.
  • Avoid treatments if skin is irritated, sunburned or overly tanned. Wait until skin calms down.

While pricier in the short run, electrolysis and laser can save money over time by permanently destroying hair follicles so no more hair removal is needed. Just confirm with technicians that your skin sensitivity can be accommodated first.

What About Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs often plague people with naturally curly or coarse hair. They form when shaved hair starts to grow back but curls into skin instead of rising above it. Pores get clogged and bumps appear. For people prone to ingrowns, removing hair can be frustrating. Here are some tips to prevent ingrown hairs on sensitive skin after hair removal:

  • Exfoliate daily with a gentle scrub, dry brushing or chemical exfoliant. This lifts trapped hairs about to go ingrown.
  • Use ingrown hair serums containing glycolic acid or salicylic acid daily. These dissolve dead skin and debris to unclog pores.
  • Avoid tight clothing in areas prone to ingrowns during regrowth. This just re-traps emerging hairs.
  • Shave less often to allow more time between hair removal sessions.
  • If ingrown hairs become red, swollen or infected, see a dermatologist. They can safely lance inflamed bumps and extract embedded hairs.

Sensitive Skin Hair Removal Tips Summary

Dealing with sensitive skin makes removing unwanted hair tricky. But with care and caution, smooth, stubble-free skin is achievable. Avoid abrasive methods and prep skin properly. Always patch test hair removal products first. Cleanse gently before and moisturize after. Handle post-shave irritation and ingrowns promptly. Finding the right balance takes some trial and error. Pay attention to your skin’s signals. With time, you’ll learn how to remove hair comfortably despite sensitive skin. I sincerely hope you find this “Hair Removal for Sensitive Skin- Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Experience” article helpful.

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Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Waxing- Tips and Tricks Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:43:20 +0000 Ingrown hairs can be a pesky side effect of hair removal methods like waxing. They occur when the removed hair grows back into the skin instead of rising up from the follicle. The hair gets trapped underneath, resulting in inflammation, redness, and pain in some cases. If left untreated, it can lead to further complications ...

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Ingrown hairs can be a pesky side effect of hair removal methods like waxing. They occur when the removed hair grows back into the skin instead of rising up from the follicle. The hair gets trapped underneath, resulting in inflammation, redness, and pain in some cases. If left untreated, it can lead to further complications like infections, scars, and dark spots. While ingrown hairs can’t always be prevented completely after waxing, there are several tips and tricks that can help you in Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Waxing.

Prepare The Skin Properly Before Waxing

One of the key ways to prevent ingrown hairs after waxing is ensuring your skin is well prepared before the procedure. Here are some tips:

  • Exfoliate – Use a gentle scrub 1-2 times a week leading up to waxing to remove dead skin cells and allow hair to exit easily. Avoid harsh exfoliants that can cause irritation.
  • Softening treatments – Use products containing ingredients like sugar, honey or oil a few days prior to soften the hair slightly for easier removal. Just don’t overdo it.
  • Avoid heat treatments – Steer clear of hot baths, showers, saunas for 1-2 days pre-waxing as heat opens up pores allowing hair to break off below skin.
  • Trim longer hair – Long hair is more prone to breakage so trim down to about 1 cm using scissors prior. Avoid shaving/tweezing instead.
  • Cleanse and dry skin – Wash skin just before waxing to prevent infection. Ensure the area is 100% dry to allow wax to grip hair properly.

Follow Proper Post-Wax Care

How you tend to your skin after waxing plays a big role in preventing ingrown hairs. Here are some essential aftercare tips:

  • No scrubbing – Avoid using scrubs, loofahs, or hard brushes on freshly waxed skin for at least 48 hours as they can irritate follicles.
  • Apply toner – Use an alcohol-free toner which contains ingredients like witch hazel or lavender immediately after waxing to close pores and soothe skin.
  • Use a chemical exfoliant – Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) help prevent ingrown hairs by clearing dead cells and allowing hair to surface. Apply a liquid exfoliant daily post-waxing.
  • Keep skin dry – Allow your skin to breathe by wearing loose, breathable fabrics for 24-48 hours after waxing. This prevents moisture build-up and bacteria overgrowth.
  • Apply cold compress – Placing an ice pack wrapped in cloth over freshly waxed areas provides relief from inflammation and redness. Do it a few times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use an after-wax lotion – Look for creams containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant ingredients like aloe vera, tea tree oil, calendula etc. Apply twice daily.

Adopt Preventative Lifestyle Habits

Your daily habits and lifestyle also impact your chances of getting ingrown hairs. Here are some changes you can make:

  • Stay hydrated – Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily to keep skin supple and less prone to ingrown hairs. Water makes up 70% of our body and affects all functions.
  • Healthy diet – Eating foods rich in vitamin A, C and E allows better collagen production, cell growth and fights infection. Include citrus fruits, leafy greens, nuts and fish in your meals.
  • Gentle products – Opt for mild, fragrance-free cleansers, moisturizers and scrubs formulated for sensitive skin. Harsh chemicals can strip natural oils causing more irritation and ingrowns.
  • Loose clothing – Tight fitting pants, shapewear or underwear places friction on hair follicles making ingrown more likely, especially in the bikini area. Go for loose, breathable fabrics as far as possible.
  • Avoid shaving between waxes – Shaving irritates skin and causes blunt tip hairs which have a harder time surfacing through skin. It’s best to let the hair grow out between waxing sessions.

How To Treat Ingrown Hairs

While you can take all the above precautions, ingrown hairs may still occur in some people more prone to them. Here are some remedies you can use at home to treat ingrown hairs:

  • Warm compress – Apply a warm, wet towel or cloth to the affected area for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day. The moisture softens skin allowing the trapped hair to surface.
  • Sugar scrub – Mix granulated sugar with a little water or olive oil to make a paste. Gently rub on ingrown spots using circular motions for 2-3 minutes to exfoliate. Rinse after 5 minutes.
  • Tea tree oil – Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling, redness and even bring the ingrown hair to head. Use an undiluted cotton bud on spots 2-3 times a day.
  • Retinoid cream – OTC retinoids boost cell turnover allowing the hair to exit. Apply sparingly over ingrown area daily at night as it causes sun sensitivity.
  • Sit in a warm bath – Add 2 cups of Epsom salt in warm water and soak affected area for 15-20 minutes. This softens skin and acts as an antiseptic. Pat dry and apply moisturizer after.
  • Salicylic acid pads – Wipe over area using pads soaked in this BHA exfoliant. It gently removes dead cells trapped around hair and clears debris. Use a few times a week.

If the ingrown hair becomes increasingly painful, swollen or oozes pus, it’s best to see your dermatologist. They may need to extract the trapped hair using a sterile needle and prescribe antibiotic creams/oral medication if infected. Getting timely treatment prevents further complications like cysts or scarring.

Ingrown hairs are largely unavoidable with hair removal methods like waxing for those prone to their occurrence. However, with diligent pre and post-wax skin preparation along with prompt home care, you can reduce their frequency and intensity to quite an extent. Adopt long term preventative habits as well for best results. Stay well hydrated, eat healthy, wear loose breathable fabrics and use only gentle products on your skin. I sincerely hope you find this “Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Waxing-Tips and Tricks” article helpful.

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Hair Removal Creams vs. Laser comparison Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:29:32 +0000 For many people, unsightly body hair is a nuisance they want gone. Shaving, waxing, plucking – we go through great lengths to remove unwanted hair. But what are the best longer-lasting options? In this post we’ll do a hair removal creams vs. laser comparison—two popular choices that offer more permanent solutions. What Are Hair Removal ...

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For many people, unsightly body hair is a nuisance they want gone. Shaving, waxing, plucking – we go through great lengths to remove unwanted hair. But what are the best longer-lasting options? In this post we’ll do a hair removal creams vs. laser comparison—two popular choices that offer more permanent solutions.

What Are Hair Removal Creams?

Hair removal creams, also called depilatories, are topical products that work by breaking down the structure of hair strands. They contain powerful chemicals that are able to dissolve hair below the surface of the skin, effectively getting rid of hair temporarily.

Hair removal creams come in easy-to-apply formulations like gels, lotions and powders. To use them, you simply apply the product evenly across the desired area, wait 5-10 minutes, then wipe or rinse away. The hair also wipes away with the product. It’s fast, convenient and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

However, hair removal creams do have some downsides:

  • Results only last 1-3 days before hair starts to regrow. You need to reapply frequently.
  • Can cause skin irritation, rashes or chemical burns if left on too long. Must be tested on a small patch of skin first.
  • Not effective on coarse or very thick hair. Works better on fine, thin hair.
  • Can have a strong, unpleasant chemical odor.

Overall hair removal creams offer a quick, inexpensive and non-permanent way to remove hair. The effects are short-lived though and may not suit thicker hair.

Understanding Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses concentrated beams of laser light to remove hair follicles. It works by targeting the pigment inside hair follicles to damage them enough to slow and prevent future growth, while avoiding damage to the surrounding skin.

It’s a long-term solution that achieves permanent hair reduction over several treatments. Most people see a significant, lasting reduction after an average of 3-7 sessions.

Some major advantages of laser hair removal include:

  • Long-lasting – up to 90% permanent hair reduction is achievable if enough treatments are done
  • Precise – lasers selectively target dark, coarse hairs while avoiding the skin around it
  • Fast treatments – each session takes just 10-20 minutes depending on the area
  • Fewer ingrown hairs – prevents regrowth from below the skin

Laser hair removal does have some limitations as well:

  • Results take time – requires multiple treatments over several weeks or months
  • Doesn’t work for white, gray, blonde or red hair
  • Possible side effects like redness, swelling, blistering if settings are too high
  • Expensive – costs range from $200 to $1000 per treatment

For long term hair removal, though, medical laser treatments deliver better and longer lasting results compared to creams. The key is completing the recommended number of sessions for each area.

Hair Removal Creams vs. Laser Hair Removal: Key Differences

Now that we’ve covered the basics of depilatory creams and laser hair removal, let’s recap the main differences:


  • Hair removal creams offer instant results in as little as 5 minutes. Just apply, wait, and wipe off.
  • Laser hair removal takes much longer – you need multiple treatments spaced 3-6 weeks apart. It takes months to complete.


  • Creams can be used in the comfort and privacy of home. Minimal effort required.
  • Lasers must be administered at a clinic by a technician. You need to book appointments.


  • Depilatory creams range from $5 to $50 for a kit. Very budget friendly!
  • A full course of laser hair removal costs hundreds to thousands of dollars. It’s an investment.


  • Creams only remove hair for 1-3 days before regrowth starts.
  • Laser hair removal provides up to 90% permanent hair reduction. The results can last for years.

Side Effects

  • Chemical creams can irritate skin and cause rashes or burns if left on too long
  • Laser has minimal risks although blistering and scarring are possible side effects

Ideal For

  • Creams work best for small areas of fine, thin hair
  • Lasers work better for large areas with thick, coarse hair like the legs, arms, and bikini area

As you can see, creams provide a fast, inexpensive short-term solution while medical laser hair removal is better for long-lasting results on thicker, darker hair across larger body areas.

Which is Better – Hair Removal Creams or Laser?

So which method reigns supreme – depilatory creams or laser removal? As with many things in beauty and cosmetics, the answer depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here’s a quick recap of key factors to help choose the best option:

Creams Are Better If:

  • You have thin, fine hair
  • Want to remove hair from small areas (upper lip, chin etc)
  • Are on a tight budget
  • Prefer quick, convenient at-home treatments
  • Have sensitive skin

Try: Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover Kit

Laser Is Better If:

  • You have thick, coarse dark hair
  • Want to remove hair from larger areas (underarms, bikini line, legs, chest)
  • Want longer-lasting, more permanent results
  • Don’t mind spending more money
  • Want fewer ingrown hairs
  • Have chronic razor burn or waxing irritation

Try: Silk’n Infinity 400,000 Galvanic System

The Bottom Line

When it comes to removing unwanted hair, creams offer an accessible and budget-friendly solution that works well for finer hair on small areas. The results only last a few days though.

For coarser hair over larger regions where longer-lasting results are desired, medical laser hair removal delivers better permanent reduction. Although pricier, lasers significantly cut back on thickness and density of hair growth over time. I sincerely hope you find this “Hair Removal Creams vs. Laser comparison” article helpful.

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DIY Hair Removal- Natural Alternatives Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:24:05 +0000 Having unwanted body hair can be frustrating. While there are many hair removal methods available like shaving, waxing, laser hair removal etc., they can be painful, expensive, and often provide only temporary results. In this article we talk about “DIY Hair Removal- Natural Alternatives”. Sugar Waxing Sugar waxing is a popular natural hair removal technique ...

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Having unwanted body hair can be frustrating. While there are many hair removal methods available like shaving, waxing, laser hair removal etc., they can be painful, expensive, and often provide only temporary results. In this article we talk about “DIY Hair Removal- Natural Alternatives”.

Sugar Waxing

Sugar waxing is a popular natural hair removal technique that has been used since ancient Egyptian times. It involves applying a thick sugary syrup to the skin and then removing it to pull out hairs by the root. Since the sugar sticks only to the hairs not the skin, it can be a less painful way to wax. And moisturizing ingredients like lemon juice and honey are often added to sugar waxes, making it gentler than traditional waxing.

To make your own sugar wax at home, mix 1 cup sugar, 1/3 cup lemon juice, and 1/4 cup water in a pan. Heat while stirring until it reaches the ideal texture – thick like molasses. Allow it to cool slightly before applying to skin in the direction of hair growth. Place a muslin or cotton strip over the wax, rub it to adhere, and then flick the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth. The hairs should come off easily, roots and all! Sugar waxing can remove hair on legs, arms, underarms, bikini area etc. Just be careful to do a patch test first to check for skin sensitivity.

Turmeric Powder

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can be harnessed to deal with unwanted hair growth. Turmeric mixed into a paste with milk or yogurt acts as a natural hair removal paste. The curcumin present in turmeric slows down hair regrowth by inhibiting hair follicle stem cells.

To use it, mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with enough milk or yogurt to form a paste. Apply it to the areas with unwanted hair and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then rub the paste in circular motions and wash off with warm water. The paste should take the hair right off. But be prepared for some staining – the yellow turmeric can temporarily tint skin. Doing this once or twice a week can significantly reduce hair growth over time.


Unripe green papaya has a natural enzyme called papain that can break down hair follicles and impede regrowth. The fruit can be blended into a smooth paste and applied to the skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rubbing it off. If the papaya paste causes any skin irritation, dilute it with some milk or yogurt. Using this regularly can effectively diminish unwanted body hair with minimal discomfort.

Potato Slices

Believe it or not, a humble potato can also be used to remove unwanted hair! Its starchy juice can weaken hair follicles, while the edges of a potato slice can be used to exfoliate and scrape off hair. Simply cut a potato into thick slices, rub the slice in circular motions on hairy skin for a few minutes, rinse and repeat. Do this daily and the coarse hair should eventually fall out. Just be careful not to rub so hard as to damage the skin!

Sandalwood and Orange Lentil Scrub

A homemade scrub made from orange lentils (masoor dal) and sandalwood powder works as a natural hair removal remedy while also exfoliating the skin. The gritty texture of lentils combined with skin-brightening sandalwood scrubs off hair and dead skin cells, leaving skin super smooth.

To make it, soak 2 tablespoons of orange lentils overnight or for at least 2 hours until softened. Blend into a coarse paste along with 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder and enough rose water. Apply it as a scrub onto hairy areas using gentle circular motions for 5-10 minutes before washing off. Use this 2-3 times a week for visible reduction in hair growth and get glowing skin in the process!

Banana and Oatmeal Scrub

Another easy hair removal scrub you can whip up at home contains banana and oatmeal. Mash up half a ripe banana until smooth and creamy. Mix in 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice. Apply this fruity scrub onto unwanted hair and let it sit for 5 minutes. Gently rub in circular motions before washing off with water. Both banana and oatmeal have compounds that slow hair growth, while honey and lemon juice keep skin smooth. Use this scrub 2-3 times a week to see results.

Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda isn’t just for baking fluffy treats! Its gritty texture works perfectly as an exfoliating hair removal scrub. The alkaline pH of baking soda also helps break down hair follicles over time.

Stir 1 tablespoon of baking soda into 1 tablespoon of water or aloe vera gel to form a spreadable paste. Gently massage it onto areas with unwanted hair for 2-3 minutes, then rinse. You’ll feel the baking soda scrub remove dead skin and hair without irritating your skin. Use this 2-3 times a week and hair should gradually thin out.

Sugaring + Scrub Combo

For ultra-effective hair removal, you can combine sugar waxing with an exfoliating scrub to target hair from two angles. Here’s one way to do it:

Mix together equal parts sugar and honey to make a thick sugaring paste. Apply a thick layer in the direction of hair growth and place a cotton strip on top. Pull off the strip to wax out as much hair as possible.

Then make a zesty sugar scrub by mixing 1 cup brown sugar with the zest of 1 lemon plus 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Gently massage it onto the freshly waxed skin for 2-3 minutes to slough off any remaining hair and dead skin cells clogging up follicles.

Rinse everything off afterward and pat skin dry. Moisturize with some coconut oil to soothe skin and slow regrowth even more. Using this sugaring-scrub combo can keep hair away for weeks longer than waxing alone! I sincerely hope you find this “DIY Hair Removal- Natural Alternatives” article helpful.

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How to Choose the Best Waxing Salon- A Complete Guide Fri, 29 Mar 2024 10:19:06 +0000 Deciding to get waxed can be scary if you’ve never done it before. And choosing the right waxing salon makes all the difference in turning your first waxing experience from scary to comfortable. When it comes to waxing, you want to find a salon you can trust to give you smooth, stubble-free skin without irritation ...

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Deciding to get waxed can be scary if you’ve never done it before. And choosing the right waxing salon makes all the difference in turning your first waxing experience from scary to comfortable. When it comes to waxing, you want to find a salon you can trust to give you smooth, stubble-free skin without irritation or ingrown hairs afterwards. In this article we talk about How to Choose the Best Waxing Salon: A Complete Guide.

Ask Around for Recommendations

Word-of-mouth is often the best indicator of quality when it comes to waxing salons. Ask your friends, family members, coworkers, or neighbors where they get waxed and if they would recommend that place. People are usually more than happy to share their best waxing experiences. If someone had a bad experience at a certain salon, they’ll probably be even more vocal about steering you away from there.

Online reviews can also give you an idea of the best and worst waxing salons in your area. Pay attention to recent reviews that go into detail about cleanliness, quality of service, pricing, and overall experience. Multiple similar complaints should raise red flags about a particular salon.

Consider Salon Cleanliness

One of the most important factors in choosing a waxing salon is how clean it is. Hair removal involves a lot of close contact with your skin, so sanitation is essential for avoiding infection. The salon should look and smell clean from the moment you walk in. Notice if wax beds have fresh paper lining and estheticians wash their hands or change gloves between clients. Sometimes you can even ask to tour the salon and waxing rooms before booking an appointment.

Ask if they disinfect all surfaces and tools properly between each client. Salon experts recommend using an EPA-registered disinfectant that kills bacteria and viruses. For extra protection, some salons now use disposable wax applicators and strips to prevent cross contamination. Keep an eye out for any clutter, dirt, stray hairs or debris that hint the salon may not keep tidy and sanitized treatment rooms.

Look for Experienced Estheticians

Waxing is an art that takes practice, training and experience to master. The best wax specialists undergo extensive education in body and skin anatomy before ever touching a client. They should also have experience performing a wide variety of hair removal services, not just basic bikini and leg waxes.

The ideal esthetician asks you questions, listens, and customizes the treatment based on your skin, pain tolerance, and goals. An experienced professional will be able to tweak their technique to make it more comfortable if you’re sensitive. They also know how to avoid common post-wax issues like ingrown hairs, bumps, and irritation.

Ask the front desk how long their specialists have worked there and how much waxing education they require. Estheticians with 5+ years under their belts have likely seen every skin type and hair removal challenge imaginable, equipping them to handle yours with ease.

Evaluate the Product Quality

High quality waxes and post-wax products also impact the comfort level and results. Low grade waxes don’t grip hair as effectively for efficient removal in one pull. This means more repeats and irritation for you. That’s why top waxing salons invest in premium waxes containing ingredients like titanium dioxide for flexibility, oils that won’t clog pores, and calming botanicals to soothe skin.

The salon should also offer special post-wax products containing antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to prevent ingrown hairs without clogging pores. Avoid places that try to sell you cheap drugstore creams not meant for sensitive post-wax skin. Ask which retail product brands they carry and look them up online to gauge quality and reviews.

Consider Customization Options

Every client has unique sensitivities and preferences for their waxing experience. The best salons tailor the process to your pain tolerance, lifestyle and budget. Quality wax specialists ask questions to determine the best temperature, wax type, speed and pressure that works for each individual. Places that take a “one-size-fits all” approach often leave clients with irritation and discomfort.

See if the salon offers multiple wax types like soft waxes that adhere well for sensitive areas and coarser waxes that work better on thicker hair. You may prefer disposable applicators or strips over reusable ones sanitized in an autoclave. The salon should also have options to fit different budgets, including both individual services and monthly membership packages.

Evaluate Their Attention to Detail

The hallmark of an exceptional waxing specialist is their precision and eye for detail. They check for any stray hairs left behind after the main wax and tidy up strays for baby smooth skin. Quality salons often end each session by dusting on powder or spraying toner to soothe skin and prevent ingrown hairs. The specialists should also offer personalized aftercare instructions based on your skin type and which areas were treated.

When you arrive, notice if the estheticians are rushing clients out the door or if they allow proper time for detailed, meticulous work. Places that book waxing appointments too close together often leave clients unsatisfied. Ask friends who have visited the salon about their attention to detail removing every last hair.

Consider Spa Ambiance

While not the most critical deciding factor, the overall atmosphere and ambiance can impact your waxing experience. The ideal salon has a clean, contemporary design and relaxing vibe. Pay attention to soothing music, calming scents, soft lighting and cozy wax beds to help you feel peaceful. Having a robe, slippers, and refreshments like fruit-infused water or tea available demonstrates their commitment to pampering and hospitality.

Additionally, the staff should be friendly, welcoming and able to answer all your questions knowledgeably. You want a place that avoids cold, clinical atmosphere and helps you feel cared for. The vibe should be more like visiting friends than going to a medical clinic.

Compare Pricing

While cost shouldn’t be the primary factor, waxing prices can vary widely depending on your area, salon quality, and services received. Avoid places with prices that seem too good to be true, as they likely cut corners with low quality products and staff. Be wary of Groupon deals luring you in that ultimately upcharge you for “add-ons” like strips, pre-wax oil, and aftercare products.

Expect to spend $25-$65 for a basic bikini or Brazilian wax, $20-$100 for a full leg wax, and $15+ for lip, chin, underarm, or other small area waxes. Packages help lower the per-service cost for loyal customers. Luxury salons in expensive metro areas like New York City and Los Angeles often charge higher prices. But their exceptional quality may justify the splurge if budget allows.

Trust Your Gut

Lastly, listen to your intuition. From the first phone call to touring the location, assess how the salon makes you feel about your upcoming service. Do they alleviate or provoke anxiety? The right waxing professionals help cautious first-timers feel at ease. If a place gives you bad vibes or leaves concerns unresolved, it likely won’t magically improve once you’re on the wax bed. Keep looking until you find an option flooding you with confidence instead of dread.

By evaluating salon cleanliness, staff expertise, attention to detail, customization options and overall ambiance, you can locate a waxing salon you feel comfortable entrusting your skin to. Taking the time to discover the best place leads to smooth, satin-soft skin free of nicks, burns or irritation. Once you find a salon you love, you can relax and enjoy waxing as a refreshing, rejuvenating self-care ritual. I sincerely hope you find this “How to Choose the Best Waxing Salon- A Complete Guide” article helpful.

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How Long Should You Wait to Tan After Waxing? Mon, 08 Jan 2024 18:16:34 +0000 TAN, Nails, Hair and WAXING. A recipe for the perfect night out.  But the question is, how long should you wait to tan after waxing? Well, it’s simple, waiting 24 – 48 hours is an ideal time to wait if you are planning on tanning in the sun or a sunbed. If your planning on ...

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TAN, Nails, Hair and WAXING. A recipe for the perfect night out. 

But the question is, how long should you wait to tan after waxing? Well, it’s simple, waiting 24 – 48 hours is an ideal time to wait if you are planning on tanning in the sun or a sunbed. If your planning on using fake tan then it’s advised a period of 2-3 days. 

But why wait you ask? 

Skin can react post-wax if there is any exposure to the sun, redness and irritation are common side effects of not waiting.

Unfortunately, fake tan needs to be applied to smooth clean skin. Straight after waxing your pores are open and tan can clog these pores (making it look uneven). 

So make sure you read our guide to fully understand the IMPORTANCE of waiting to tan after waxing (You will thank me later). 

Fake Tan and Waxing

It is not recommended to use a fake tan yourself or receive a spray tan on the same day as being waxed. After waxing your pores are open, meaning the fake tan can get stuck in these pores causing an uneven tan with dark spots on your skin. 

It’s common after waxing you can also suffer from some redness and irritation. So it’s ideal to let your skin have a break and recover. This will help to avoid any further irritation (nothing worse than a red rash, been there done that). 

On the flip side, waxing is actually a clever thing to do prior to any fake tan. 

Waxing actually exfoliates your skin, leaving your skin stripped of all the dead skin cells needing to be removed before tanning. All tanning solutions stick much better to skin that has been prepped including exfoliation. Well, waxing is leaving you one less job to complete. 

When tan has been applied to the skin EFFICIENTLY this extends the life of your tan

Ultimately, the key is to wait 2-3 days after waxing to use any type of fake tan. By following this you will allow your skin to be both waxed and tanned. Allowing no mishaps or irritations (let’s avoid looking like an Oompa Lumpa this time, just me?). 

Healthy Skin equals a perfect tan! 

Take a look at my foolproof way to achieve a beautiful, super dark brown skin finish? Look no further than MineTan’s Skin Treatment Self Tan Foam!

Our unique sweat-proof formula ensures that your tan will last all day long, while the addition of caffeine and guarana provide skin-nourishing benefits.

So go ahead and take your MineTan self-tan foam with you wherever you go – whether it’s to the beach or the office – and enjoy a streak-free, natural-looking tan that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Sun Exposure and Waxing

We all know the pre-vacation schedule and we know we can’t go away with hairy legs and as white as a ghost (A scary thought, hey). 

If your planning on relaxing on the beach for the week (If you are, take me with you), you should consider getting waxed at least 48 hours before

This will avoid causing any side effects when you are bathing in the sun. Skin that has been waxed and had any dead skin cells removed, is especially sensitive to any UV exposure so be sure to apply sunscreen. 

Read Here: Should you wax before or after showering

Frequently Asked Questions 

Will Waxing Remove My Sunbed Tan? 

I know how you could think waxing could remove a natural tan or even a sunbed tan. But there is no need to worry. It may remove the top layer of the dead skin but this is seriously no more than using a body scrub or an exfoliator on your skin. I promise your skin is SAFE according to the trustworthy HuffPost.


Hopefully, you have learnt enough to understand the importance of waiting around 2-3 days to tan after your waxing appointment. 

This way you will be sure to achieve the perfect tan, without any lumps, bumps or crazy orange patches. 

How did you find our guide on how long should you wait to tan after waxing? If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We love to hear from our readers.

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A Guide To Using An Epilator For Armpits-Tips & Advice Sat, 06 Jan 2024 22:28:57 +0000 Most women resort to shaving their armpits most days, which can turn out to be not only a pain but not the best result for a clean shave. It can leave stubble and grow back quick and thick, making each shave harder to achieve a smooth shave. Our guide to epilating your armpits will be ...

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The post A Guide To Using An Epilator For Armpits-Tips & Advice appeared first on Hair Day 101.

Most women resort to shaving their armpits most days, which can turn out to be not only a pain but not the best result for a clean shave. It can leave stubble and grow back quick and thick, making each shave harder to achieve a smooth shave.

Our guide to epilating your armpits will be gripping; it really is the go-to method for underarm hair removal. We will help you understand why you should choose to epilate your armpits over any other hair removal methods. 

Not only will we talk about the benefits of epilating your underarms; we will answer your questions. Let you in on all our top tips and a step by step guide on how to epilate underarms the correct way.

Once you turn to use epilating for your hair removal, you will never go back!

Benefits of Epilating Your Underarms

The most obvious benefit of switching to epilating your underarms is epilation helps stunt rows of armpit hair, meaning you will not have to shave every few days but every few weeks.

It is also beneficial to destroy your hair follicles strength the more you use the epilator, the weaker and finer the hairs will grow back, meaning each hair removal will get easier and last longer.

Epilating can also be used at home with ease, with no leftover products, no mess, simply charge your epilator and glide across your armpits.

It’s also financially beneficial. You only need to spend out on the epilator you choose best for your skin type, which will last for years.

If you have used other hair removal methods such as razors or waxing, this needs to be brought and replaced most months.

Before You Epilate Your Armpits

#1 – Choose The Best Epilator for Armpits

You must choose the best epilator not only for your armpits but for your skin type. For example, If you have sensitive skin, you would make sure you have an epilator with low settings with soothing strips, on either side to help when removing hair.

If you suffer from dark skin around shaven areas, you may want to find an epilator with higher settings that will help remove all the hairs from the roots. Any dead skin, which contributes to darkened areas will also be removed.

Take a look at this article to help you understand more about epilating the pubic area.

Be sure to check out our top epilator, chosen just for you, this is the perfect tool to get rid of your armpit hair. With a flexible head, it’s great for getting in those awkward places, perfect for sensitive areas (it won’t let you down).

#2 – Exfoliate Under Your Arms

Exfoliating before hair removal is a general rule to the success of removing hair, especially under your arms as this is a tricky area for your epilator to grab hold of the strands.

By exfoliating your skiing beforehand, you will prevent any ingrown hairs by removing any dead skin before the skin has the opportunity to grow over the hair. The more you exfoliate, the smoother the finish!

Check out my go-to exfoliating scrub, I just love this scrub M3 Naturals Himalayan Salt Body Scrub it’s made with natural ingredients so more than suitable to use on your underarms and its just smell amazing ! you won’t be disappointed, get scrubbing.

Ironically epilating works a lot better when the hair is shorter rather than longer. Typically, we would want hair to be a certain length to get the best results, but it is easier to remove with armpit hair when it’s short and maintained.

If this is your first time using your epilator, you may want to shave your underarms first around 2-3 days before, so you know you have the hair at the correct length.

How Often Should You Epilate Your Armpits?

How often you should epilate your underarms all depends on how quickly your armpit hair grows back.

After epilating the first time you need to make sure you wait for any inflammation to go down until it is at least 75% clear, so you dont cause any irritation.

You may need to touch up your underarm hair once a week. But with each session of epilation, your strands will get weaker. Slower-growing back so the need to epilate should get further apart.

You may already have your epilator at the ready but if you are still searching for the perfect epilator for those sensitive areas then this is it!

You may see on other parts of my site, I have to recommend this epilator the Braun Epilator Silk-épil 9 that’s because I have it myself and would never go back to any other form of hair removal.

It may seem like a high price to fork out, but in the long run, you are saving yourself money, I have had mine for 2 years and it’s still going strong.

Steps on How to Epilate Underarm Hair –

Make sure your cordless epilator is charged

Having a hot shower will help open the pores under your arms, making them easier to remove.

It’s essential to towel dry any moisture from under your arms, even consider using powder to get it completely dry. The drier the armpit, the easier the epilator will pick up the hairs to remove.

  1.  It’s Important to Make Your Skin Taut First –

Keeping your skin taut means you will not miss any hairs to remove and not catch any of the skin whilst epilating.

It’s best to use the lowest setting, to begin with, so you can always use a higher setting if needs be.

Try starting with light, quick strokes to get used to the pain. Also, use the epilator at a 45-degree angle, which means only half of the machine will be touching your armpits. This helps to get used to the pain – slowly does it!

Holding the epilator at a 90-degree angle will help you glide the full blade across the hairs evenly.

Don’t worry if all the hairs under your arms aren’t one in one pass. It usually takes a few strokes to remove all the hairs evenly entirely.

You will now have two red, full plucked armpits. Soothing these with a lotion will cool them down and help keep them moisturized until any irritation has gone.


Is it safe to Epilate underarms? 

It is safe to epilate your armpits. You need to make sure you follow the steps involved (before and after) to avoid any irritation or damage to the skin.

How do I soothe my armpits after epilating?

Soothing your armpits after epilating is the same as helping your skin after using any hair removal method. Any soothing lotion that can be gently rubbed around the area daily, such as aloe vera or cocoa butter, would be a great option.

Can you use deodorant after epilating?

It is not recommended to use deodorant after epilating as it can cause red bumps and irritation. After a few hours, you can use deodorant again as usual.

Is epilating your underarms painful?

Epilating your armpits is neither pain-free nor painful, it is bearable. If you have plucked your eyebrows before this is a similar feeling, you can feel it is happening, but it is more than tolerable.

Final View

Hopefully, this has helped you understand why you should choose to epilate your armpits compared to any other hair removal method. Looking at the benefits, it’s easy to use and will help your underarms be hair free for longer, which is our end goal.

In the long run, regular epilating also weakens the hair under your arms, meaning it will become easier to maintain and remove your armpit hair.

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Does Drinking Coffee Cause Hair Loss? Sat, 06 Jan 2024 17:56:53 +0000 Coffee is a drink that has been around for centuries, and it’s no wonder why, it’s amazing. In my world, I call it, “Icantfuctionwithoutcaffeine drink” (Do you like my new word, impressive I know). It gives you energy, helps keep your mind sharp, and can even help with depression. But there are some side effects ...

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The post Does Drinking Coffee Cause Hair Loss? appeared first on Hair Day 101.

Coffee is a drink that has been around for centuries, and it’s no wonder why, it’s amazing.

In my world, I call it, “Icantfuctionwithoutcaffeine drink” (Do you like my new word, impressive I know).

It gives you energy, helps keep your mind sharp, and can even help with depression. But there are some side effects to coffee drinking (like caffeine) that many people don’t know about. One of these side effects may be hair loss.

So does coffee actually cause hair loss?

well, drinking coffee doesn’t directly cause hair loss but caffeine can. Caffeine can actually have a negative impact on your hair and make it more brittle. Drinking one or two cups of coffee a day should be fine, but drinking five or six cups of coffee can really dehydrate your hair and make it more susceptible to breakage.

So, if you are a coffee drinker, try to limit your intake to one or two cups a day, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated.

Coffee is a delicious drink that has many benefits, but like everything, moderation is key. Too much of anything can be bad for you, and too much caffeine can lead to hair loss.

So read our guide to be sure you know the right amounts of coffee intake for healthy hair.

Coffee And Caffeine

Coffee is naturally caffeinated, making it a natural stimulant. It’s also present in tea, energy drinks, and cacao plants.

Caffeine improves alertness and keeps you awake by stimulating the brain and central nervous system. Because of its actions on the brain, it is referred to as a psychotropic drug.

Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that induces drowsiness in your mind.

Caffeine is also fast-acting. It takes only 20 minutes for it to travel from your stomach to your brain, and in about an hour, it will be entirely effective.

Is Drinking Coffee Good For Hair?

When it comes to hair, coffee can actually be beneficial in two ways.

First, rubbing coffee grounds into your scalp can stimulate hair growth. The grounds act as a mild exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and built-up oils, which can clog the hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.

Second, drinking coffee can help keep your hair healthy. The caffeine in coffee helps to dehydrate the scalp, which can reduce dandruff and other scalp conditions that can inhibit hair growth.

Is Caffeine Bad For Your Hair?

Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to expel more water from your body than you take in.

When you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks, the caffeine is absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your kidneys.

The caffeine signals the kidneys to release more urine, which can lead to dehydration.

Dehydration can not only cause problems such as constipation and headaches, but it can also lead to dry, brittle hair that is more susceptible to breakage.

Does Caffeine Help Thinning Hair?

Caffeine has been shown to help with hair growth in two ways.

First, it helps to stimulate the hair follicles. Second, it helps to reduce inflammation in the scalp, which can lead to hair loss.

While caffeine can help with hair growth, it is important to remember that too much caffeine can also lead to hair loss.

Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes you to expel more water from your body than you take in. When you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks, the caffeine is absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your kidneys.

The caffeine signals the kidneys to release more urine, which can lead to dehydration.

Dehydration can not only cause problems such as constipation and headaches, but it can also lead to dry, brittle hair that is more susceptible to breakage.

Benefits To Drinking Coffee

While caffeine can have a negative impact on your hair, coffee also has some benefits that should not be overlooked.

Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, leading to health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, protecting the body from their damaging effects.

Coffee is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B3, potassium, and magnesium.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair.

So, while coffee may have some negative effects on your hair, it also has some positive effects that should not be overlooked. Drink coffee in moderation to reap the benefits without harming your hair.

How Much Coffee Should You Drink?

If you are going to drink coffee, it is important to do so in moderation.

The Mayo Clinic recommends limiting caffeine intake to 400 milligrams per day, which is about four cups of coffee.

Drinking more than four cups of coffee can lead to dehydration, which can cause dry, brittle hair that is more susceptible to breakage.

If you are not a coffee drinker, you should avoid drinking caffeinated beverages altogether, as they can have the same negative effects on your hair.

Drinking plenty of water is the best way to stay hydrated and keep your hair healthy.

When it comes to our hair, most of us want what we don’t have.

If you have fine hair, you want it to be thicker.

If you have thick hair, you want it to be thinner.

And if you’re unlucky enough to be dealing with hair loss, you’ll try just about anything to stop the shedding.

Read here: Does drinking water help with hair loss?

How Many Cups Of Coffee Is Too Much?

When it comes to our hair, most of us want what we don’t have. If you have fine hair, you want it to be thicker.

If you have thick hair, you want it to be thinner. And if you’re unlucky enough to be dealing with hair loss, you’ll try just about anything to stop the shedding.

But what if drinking coffee could make your hair thinner? It seems that the main culprit for this myth is caffeine.

Caffeine can actually have a negative impact on your hair and make it more brittle. Drinking one or two cups of coffee a day should be fine, but drinking five or six cups of coffee can really dehydrate your hair and make it more susceptible to breakage.

So, if you are a coffee drinker, try to limit your intake to one or two cups a day, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated.

Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes you to expel more water from your body than you take in.

When you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks, the caffeine is absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your kidneys. The caffeine signals the kidneys to release more urine, which can lead to dehydration.

Dehydration can not only cause problems such as constipation and headaches, but it can also lead to dry, brittle hair that is more susceptible to breakage.

While caffeine can have a negative impact on your hair, coffee also has some benefits that should not be overlooked.

Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, leading to health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, protecting the body from their damaging effects.

Coffee is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B3, potassium, and magnesium.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair.

So, while coffee may have some negative effects on your hair, it also has some positive effects that should not be overlooked. Drink coffee in moderation to reap the benefits without harming your hair.

General Causes Of Hair Loss

There are a number of different factors that can cause hair loss.

Some of the most common causes of hair loss include:

-Hereditary thinning or balding

-Telogen effluvium, is a condition that causes your hair to shed more than normal

-Thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism

-Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss

-Anemia or iron deficiency

-Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by menopause or pregnancy

-Certain medications, such as beta-blockers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants


-Radiation therapy

-Excessive stress

-Poor nutrition

-Bad hair care habits, such as over-brushing, over-washing, and using harsh chemicals or heat styling tools

If you are experiencing hair loss, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the cause and find the best treatment for you. There are a number of different treatments for hair loss, including medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes.


If you drink too much coffee, it can cause hair loss by dehydrating your hair and making it more susceptible to breakage. However, coffee also has some benefits that should not be overlooked.

Drink coffee in moderation to reap the benefits without harming your hair. If you are experiencing hair loss, consult with your doctor to determine the cause and find the best treatment for you.

There are a number of different treatments for hair loss, including medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

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How Many Washes Does Semi Permanent Hair Dye Last? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:34:31 +0000 It’s a common misconception that semi-permanent hair color lasts 25 washes. 25 Washes is GREAT right? In reality, it will last between 20 and 25 washes. How long your hair color actually lasts is determined by many factors, including the type of shampoo you use as well as your water hardness level. We’ll talk more ...

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It’s a common misconception that semi-permanent hair color lasts 25 washes.

25 Washes is GREAT right?

In reality, it will last between 20 and 25 washes.

How long your hair color actually lasts is determined by many factors, including the type of shampoo you use as well as your water hardness level. We’ll talk more about these in just a bit.

First of all, let’s take a look at what semi-permanent hair color actually is.

As the name suggests, it’s a color that falls somewhere between permanent and temporary. It doesn’t contain any ammonia or peroxide, so it can’t lighten your hair like permanent hair color can.

But it also doesn’t wash out as easily as temporary hair color, so it’s a great option if you want to gradually lighten your hair or cover up grey hairs.

Now that we know a little bit more about semi-permanent hair color, let’s take a look at what determines how long semi-permanent hair dye lasts.

How Long Does Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Last?

Semi-permanent hair dye can last anywhere from 20 to 25 washes, depending on a variety of factors.

One of the most important factors is the type of shampoo you use – regular shampoos and conditioners with sulfates will strip the color out of your hair much faster than color-safe, sulfate-free formulas.

Water hardness is another important factor – the harder your water is, the more quickly the color will fade. If you have hard water, using a water softener can help to extend the life of your hair color.

Finally, how often you shampoo and condition your hair also has an impact on how long your hair color lasts. If you wash your hair every day, the color will fade more quickly than if you only wash it once a week.

So, what can you do to make your semi-permanent hair color last as long as possible?

Here are a few tips:

-Use a color-safe, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner like the Dove Advanced Hair Series Pure Care Dry Shampoo.

-If you have hard water, use a water softener to help keep your color looking vibrant.

-Wash your hair less frequently – every other day or once a week instead of every day.

-Avoid using hot water when you shampoo and condition your hair – hot water will strip the color faster.

-Use a heat protectant when you style your hair with hot tools.

-Try not to swim in chlorinated pools – the chlorine can also strip the color from your hair.

-If you do happen to go swimming, rinse your hair with cold water as soon as possible to help preserve the color.

So, as you can see, there are many factors that determine how long your semi-permanent hair color will last.

By using a color-safe shampoo and conditioner, avoiding hot water, and taking other precautions, you can help to extend the life of your hair color for up to 25 washes.

Here Is Why Your Semi-Permanent Dye Won’t Come Off

It’s not uncommon to hear people say that their semi-permanent hair dye won’t come off.

And while it’s definitely not the most fun thing to deal with, there are a few things you can do to help remove the dye.

So why does semi-permanent hair dye seem to stick around for so long?

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that play into it.

One of the main reasons is that semi-permanent hair dye doesn’t contain any ammonia or peroxide. This means that it can’t lighten your hair like permanent hair color can, so the dye will stay in your hair until it naturally fades away.

Water hardness is also a big factor – the harder your water is, the more quickly the color will fade. If you have hard water, using a water softener can help to extend the life of your hair color.

How often you shampoo and condition your hair also has an impact on how long your hair color lasts. If you wash your hair every day, the color will fade more quickly than if you only wash it once a week.

How to Get Rid of Semi-Permanent Pigment

So, if you’re looking to get rid of the semi-permanent pigment in your hair, what can you do?

Use Clarifying Shampoo

The best way to get rid of semi-permanent hair dye is to use a clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoos are designed to remove all traces of dirt, oil, and product buildup from your hair, including the dye.

There are a few different types of clarifying shampoos available, so you can choose the one that’s best for your hair type.

If you have dry or damaged hair, I’d recommend using a moisturizing clarifying shampoo like the TRESemme Moisture Rich Shampoo.

If you have oily hair, clarifying shampoo with tea tree oil like the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo might be a better option.

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Another option is to do an apple cider vinegar rinse. Apple cider vinegar is a natural clarifier and it helps to remove any unwanted residue from your hair.

To do an apple cider vinegar rinse, mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. Pour the mixture over your head after shampooing and conditioning, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and style as usual.

You can also add a few drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil to the rinse to help condition your hair and keep it smelling fresh.

Try Vitamin C Tablets

Another option is to try taking vitamin C tablets. Vitamin C is a natural color remover and it can help to lighten the color of your hair.

Take 1-2 tablets per day for at least two weeks to see results.

Use Semi-Permanent Color Remover

If you want to get rid of your semi-permanent hair color quickly and easily, you can try using a color remover. Color removers are designed to break down the dye molecules in your hair, so they can be easily rinsed away.

There are a few different types of color removers available, so you can choose the one that’s best for your hair type.

If you have dry or damaged hair, I’d recommend using a moisturizing color remover like the L’Oréal Paris Colorista Semi-Permanent Haircolor Remover.

If you have oily hair, I’d recommend using an oil-based color remover like the Bumble and bumble Sunday Shampoo.

Why Choose a Semi-Permanent Hair Dye?

Now that you know how to remove semi-permanent hair dye, you might be wondering why you should even bother using it in the first place.

Here are a few reasons why I think semi-permanent hair dyes are a great option:

They’re Temporary

One of the best things about semi-permanent hair dye is that it’s temporary.

This means that you can try out different colors without having to commit to the long-term. If you decide you don’t like the color, or if it starts to fade, you can easily wash it out.

They’re Low-Maintenance

Semi-permanent hair dye is also low-maintenance.

This means that you don’t have to worry about touching up your roots every few weeks, and you don’t have to worry about the color fading over time.

They’re Safe for Daily Use

Semi-permanent hair dye is also safe for daily use.

This means that you can use it without worrying about any adverse effects on your hair.

They’re Great for Experimenting

Semi-permanent hair dye is also great for experimenting with different colors and shades.

If you’re not sure what color you want, or if you want to try out a new color, semi-permanent hair dye is a great option.

Newbie friendly & simple

Semi-permanent hair dye is a great option for anyone who’s new to hair dyeing.

It’s easy to use, and it doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge. You can simply apply it to your hair like you would any other shampoo or conditioner, and let it work its magic.

No commitment, no risk

Lastly, semi-permanent hair dye is a great option for anyone who wants to try out a new color but doesn’t want to commit to the long-term.

If you’re not sure if you want to keep the color, or if you think it might start to fade, semi-permanent hair dye is a great option. You can simply wash it out when you’re ready.

No ammonia 

Another great thing about semi-permanent hair dye is that it doesn’t contain ammonia.

Ammonia is a harsh chemical that can damage your hair over time. Semi-permanent hair dye is safer for your hair and it won’t cause any long-term damage.

They’re Affordable

Lastly, semi-permanent hair dyes are affordable.

You can usually find them for around $10-$15, which is a fraction of the price of permanent hair dye.

Other Tips for Semi-Permanent Hair Dye

Now that you know how to extend the life of your semi-permanent hair dye, here are a few other tips to keep in mind:

Avoid Chlorine

Chlorine can damage your hair and it can also cause your hair color to fade.

If you’re going to be swimming in chlorine-containing water, make sure to rinse your hair afterwards.

Use a Color-Safe Shampoo and Conditioner

Sulfates are chemicals that can strip the color out of your hair.

This means that if you’re using a regular shampoo or conditioner, the sulfates will strip the color out of your hair, resulting in faded color in just a few short washes.

Look for color-safe, sulfate-free formulas like the Dove Advanced Hair Series Pure Care Dry Shampoo. It will help to extend the life of your hair color and keep it looking vibrant for up to 25 washes!

Avoid Heating Devices

Heating devices like hairdryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair and they can also cause your hair color to fade.

If you’re going to use a heating device, make sure to use a heat protector first.

Use a Color Protecting Spray

To help keep your hair color looking vibrant, I’d recommend using a colour-protecting spray.

This will help to protect your hair from the sun’s UV rays and it will also help to prevent the color from fading over time.

There are a lot of different colour-protecting sprays on the market, so I’d recommend doing some research to find the one that’s best for you.

Why choosing quality makes a huge difference

Looking for a colour-safe shampoo and conditioner is important because the molecules in hair dye are larger than molecules of water. This means that if you’re using a regular shampoo or conditioner, the sulfates will strip the color out of your hair, resulting in faded color in just a few short washes.

So, to keep your hair color looking vibrant for as long as possible, make sure to use a shampoo and conditioner that’s sulfate-free!

Look for color-safe, sulfate-free formulas like the Dove Advanced Hair Series Pure Care Dry Shampoo. It will help to extend the life of your hair color and keep it looking vibrant for up to 25 washes!


A semi-permanent hair color is a great option for those looking to add a little bit of color, but don’t want the commitment (or expense) of permanent hair dye. 

It generally contains less harsh chemicals than permanent dyes, and because it doesn’t contain ammonia, it won’t lift your natural pigment as much.

This makes it a gentler option for anyone with lightened or highlighted hair. 

It also washes out over time, which means that you can change your mind about the color without having to wait forever for your locks to grow out.

In general, semi-permanent colors will last between 20 and 25 washes before they start to fade. So if you’re someone who likes to switch up their look regularly, semi-permanent hair dye is a great option!

The post How Many Washes Does Semi Permanent Hair Dye Last? appeared first on Hair Day 101.

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Can You Use Expired Coconut Oil On Hair Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:50:48 +0000 How important is it to be paying attention to expiry dates? Will coconut oil still give your hair the moisture it needs? Will it still work as an overnight hair mask? Absolutely, although coconut oil does expire and it can go bad it will have no negative effect on your hair. It’s important you check ...

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The post Can You Use Expired Coconut Oil On Hair appeared first on Hair Day 101.

How important is it to be paying attention to expiry dates?

Will coconut oil still give your hair the moisture it needs?

Will it still work as an overnight hair mask?

Absolutely, although coconut oil does expire and it can go bad it will have no negative effect on your hair. It’s important you check it doesnt smell bad or look a yellow color as if it does this means it really could be past the date of use. 

This means you could apply coconut oil to your hair without any of the benefits. So it’s easy to ignore that date on the packaging and check your senses what does it look and smell like (If smells throw it away, Yuk).

Take a look at our guide on how to check if your coconut oil is still safe to use even when it is outside its use-by date.

How To Tell If Coconut Oil Is Bad?

Let’s talk about the easy signs you can physically check before using your coconut oil to check if it’s still safe to use it on your hair (Yes, even when it’s out of date).

1. Strong Bitter Odour

Coconut oil has a very neutral smell to it so it would be clear to someone if it has an odd smell to it. Especially if it has a strong bitter smell this is proof it’s gone bad.

2. Yellow In Color

This oil is a white color due to its main ingredient coming from coconuts of course. So if your oil has turned a yellow color this is when it’s clear its need to be thrown away.

3. Bitty or Chunky Consistency

Coconut has a nice smooth consistency to it, so if there are any bits or chunks in it this means it’s starting to rot and clump together. This will not benefit your hair if it’s not a nice smooth oil to apply to your hair.

4. Black Spots

Black oil spots in your coconut oil is a big no-no. This could be mould spores beginning to form which can be all-around dangerous and is not to be used.

How To Store Coconut Oil – To Prolong Expiring

Like potatoes, coconut oil is best stored in the dark. If it is dry and dark coconut oil will be fine for a good two years (Yes, 2 years). As it normally comes in a glass jar be sure to make sure the lid has been replaced – tightly.

You can also store your coconut oil in the fridge as it’s cool and dark (Winner). The only problem is when it’s in the fridge it will become a much firmer oil to touch so if you are planning on using it on your hair, I would recommend removing it 24 hours before so that it goes back to its usual texture before using it.

Be sure to use clean utensils when scooping out your coconut oil. Contamination from used utensils can cause the formation of mould on your oil.

There are many different brands that sell coconut oil but the top choice for me has always been Optima Organic Coconut Oil, it’s cheaper than many brands and still gets the job done.

Read here: Does Hairspray Expire?


Hopefully, we have cleared up any concerns about using coconut oil on your hair when it is past its sell-by date.

It’s perfectly safe as long as you have checked for any signs that the oil could be spoiled or gone bad. Is a funny color, has it got a horrible odour?

If it passes all your checks then it’s fine to use. Actually, it’s fine to use either way it just would be very pleasant putting a gone off yellow smelly oil on your hair right?

How did you find our guide on whether you can use coconut oil when it’s out of date. Let me know if you have any questions. We love to hear from our readers.

The post Can You Use Expired Coconut Oil On Hair appeared first on Hair Day 101.

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