Hair Care Hair Styling

How to Get Toner Out of Hair

Toner is used regularly to add a personalized color to your hair. The toner does not lift or permanently alter the color of hair, but rather adds a tone to it.

It can help achieve TRUE platinum blonde hair and any number of different pastel hair colors.

So you want to know how to get toner out of hair, well it really isn’t as difficult as it may seem. There are 3 different methods recommended to remove hair toner safely and easily from home. 

Method number one is the wet method, including using clarifying shampoos. Method number two is the natural method, using ingredients such as lemon to help remove your toner. Last but not leave method number three the chemically induced mixture to remove your toner. 

There is no right or wrong method to use to remove your hair toner from home. Having all the methods given to you with simple steps to follow you can follow what you feel best suits your hair. 

Should I Remove Toner From My Hair?

There is no right or wrong answer to whether you should remove the toner from your hair. It is a personal preference. You may find that you like your hair with the toner in it and decide to keep it, or you may feel that your hair needs a change and want to remove the toner.

Consider the methods available and choose the best type depending on your different hair types. It’s important to follow the correct aftercare hair routine to make sure no further damage occurs. 

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How Do You Wash Toner Out Of Your Hair?

#1. The Wet Method

Each of these products will need to be used 4-5 times a day for the first 2-3 days to make sure you have removed all the toner. 

  1. Wash your hair with clarifying shampoo –  A clarifying shampoo cleans your hair, removes dirt, oil, and product buildup. So this will also help to remove color toner from your hair. 
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  1. Scrub your hair with dandruff shampoo – AntiDandruff shampoo has the same effects as clarifying shampoo. 
  1. Add baking soda to your shampoo – To create a thicker texture and to speed up the process of removing your toner add a tablespoon of baking soda to your shampoo. 
  1. ”Chelate” your hair at homeChelating is a process intended to remove the buildup of hair products and grease from your hair. Wash your hair with a tiny bit of dish soap, and rinse. Then squeeze a lemon right onto your head, and leave the lemon juice on for 1-2 minutes, this will help lift the toner. 

#2. The Natural Method

For the natural method to be effective this needs to be used no later than 48 hours after using the toner. 

  1. Incorporate lemon juice into the conditioner  – squeeze several lemons to add to your conditioner. Its recommended 3 parts lemon to 1 part conditioner. 
  1. Apply and leave on for up to three hours – to allow the mixture to work leave for at least 3 hours no less. 
  1. Rinse, shampoo, rinse, condition, and rinse  – repeat the process until the toner has lifted as much as you would like to remove. 

#3. The Chemically-Induced Method

  1. Get the gloves – Avoid any chemicals on your hands as this can cause soreness and dryness. 
  1. Combine lightening powder, developer, and shampoo – mix products together to form the ultimate toner remover mixture. 
  1. Apply the mixture  – once you have applied the mixture be sure you do not leave the mixture on for more than 1 hour so it doesnt cause any damage. 
  1. Clear the solution with lukewarm water – lukewarm water is proven to clean the solution without damaging your hair. 
  1. Put some conditioner on and rinse – a deep condition is important after having so many chemicals on your hair.
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What Should I Do After Removing Toner From My Hair?

After choosing your suitable toner removal method, and having safely removed all the toner from your hair it’s essential you take care of your hair. Try to prevent the dry, brittle side effects you could face from removing the toner from your hair. 

Here are some tips and advice for you to follow to help restore your hair into a healthy head of hair:

  • Start by using coconut oil or almond oil – Just apply a little before you go to bed and leave overnight. Just wash your hair thoroughly in the morning to remove the oil. Both types of oils will help resolve any dryness by hydrating both the hair and the scalp. 

  • Use a deep conditioning treatment – either purchase a deep conditioning hair mask or create a homemade conditioning mask, this will help to moisturize and nourish your hair to avoid damage and dryness to the hair.

  • Avoid dying your hair – try avoiding putting color on your hair for as long as possible, this way it will give your hair a break from the damage from the dyes. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can a toner damage your hair?

When you use your toner correctly on your hair it will not damage your hair anymore. So as long as your hair is healthy, to begin with, you should not worry about toner causing any damage.

Can I Use Lemon Juice to Get Toner Out of My Hair?

Lemon juice is a great natural ingredient that is great at removing unwanted toner from your hair. Lemon juice is safe to use in your home, knowing you cannot cause any damage from the lemon. 

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Although it is recommended that the best time to use the lemon mixture is 24 hours to 48 hours after you have used the toner this way you are guaranteed to achieve the best results. 

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Can I Use Shampoo for Getting Toner Out of Hair?

Is it possible to simply use shampoo to get rid of toner but it needs to be the correct shampoo. If you have clarifying shampoo this is a suitable product to use to remove toner from your hair at home. 

As clarifying shampoos have been designed to remove any types of dirt or oils they can easily remove hair color too. 

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Now you understand the multiple methods available to remove hair toner, you can choose which you feel is the best method for you. 

If you have sensitive and damaged hair I would stick to the natural method to make sure you don’t cause any more damage to the hair. 

If you have dyed your hair for years on end and have layers and layers of different hair dyes on your head then it may be better to choose either the wet hair method or the chemical-based method to strip the toner out of the hair a bit quicker and harsher. 

I hope you have enjoyed looking through the options available to remove toner from your hair. Did I answer all your questions? If you still have any questions please contact me, I love to hear from my readers. 

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